Author Topic: new here...  (Read 2105 times)


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new here...
« on: July 28, 2004, 01:47:13 AM »
hi all,
 i am new here but i find that i am excited to find a place where i might have a voice which has been denied me and still is (as far as my family is concerned).ALthough I am on other forums that deal with abuse issues, this is the first that deals especially with the lack of being heard or- as in my case- many times even existence until needed to do something.

this concept is new to me so please bear with me as i stumble around and try and grasp the idea that i may have a voice and that it may be allowed out in the external world not just in my own mind.

thank you (i'm sorry, i'm a little embarrassed for speaking so much)

amismax  :oops:


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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2004, 04:18:55 AM »
Hi amismax.  I'm fairly new too and mostly just reading but occasionally venting about my mother.  I don't know if she's narcissistic but from what I've been reading, she could be.

Don't be embarassed.  The posters that have responded to my posts seem very nice and understanding.  Some of them have issues similar to mine so that's a comfort knowing I'm not alone.

Hope to hear more about why you've posted on here; possibly I will be able to provide some suggestions and if not, I can at least listen.


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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2004, 09:42:15 AM »
Greetings amismax.

  When we haven't had much experience expressing ourselves and being heard, it's tough to take the leap, pinch your nose and jump into the water! But the swimming is good in here. Very good people, no sharks. So no need to be afraid or embarrassed. Some of the posts are long, some are short, just whatever length you need, to say what you need to say.

Hope to read more about you.



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thank you
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2004, 11:18:22 PM »
i thank you for your kindnesses... i sometimes lapse into poetry when i get a little worried so no worries if i do....since i didn't have my phd by th etime i was 25 i've been an "imbecilic moron" for most of my adult life and as a child, i was to be neither seen nor heard for the most part except when needed to be used or to take care of my younger siblings. then because my parents thought i was too shy , they forced me to call strangers (sometimes randomly)....
the times were often
when iwas in a silent coffin
but i had my animals
and they made my life soften

have to run....


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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2004, 06:59:45 PM »
Hiya Amis.

I love your poetry.   :D

I find that it is easier to find a voice when I am writing things down than when I am speaking out loud.  My t asked me why this is, and I told her that it is because I was always told to be quiet, but I was never told to stop writing.

So keep writing.  (((((((((hugs)))))))))