My book has an interesting chart about Personality Disorders (PD)
vs Non Personality Disorders.It says that there are 4 stages in the development of a personality. The first two belong to childhood. They are the 'Me,first'stage and the "I am the top of the world" stage. If you stay there, you will have a PD.
The next two stages involve your ability to learn from experience. If you notice an N, they cannot learn from experiience. The SAME brick will hit them in the head a thousand times, and they will have no learning curve. I wish I was not a LV(little voice), but I am grateful I am not an N, very grateful.
I see people who can go forward and assess how they function in life. Then, they figure out how they CAN function in a healthier way. It is amazing to me b/c I have been stuck since age 14. I really was frozen and could not go forward and modify myself, as needed.I was just stuck and praying that nothing would come my way that I could not handle(lol)
I see a person who can go in to the 'lions den"( fears) and see how he feels, reacts, responds, and then assess it ,with respect to how it "serves" him. He can throw off what does not serve him, rather than run away from it ALL, which I have done.
I gave up trying to change, at some point b/c I had tried everything and could not come up from underwater. I went to support groups for 13 years, tried therapy, yoga, being social, religion etc and I was just as frozen, at the end,as at the beginning.
I see from watching my friend that we ,LV's, CAN modify ourselves, as N's cannot.
For me, I have certain areas that I want to "run from" b/c I replay old patterns and it hurts. However, I must "test" out my assumptions, rather than run away.
My assumptions are that if people don't like me, I am worthless or shameful. Maybe, I feel I will die, if people don't like me, as a baby would feel. Anyway, it feels dire.
I need to test out what WILL happen if people don't like me. Actually, when people don't like me, I usually don't care very much. Most people are not inside my heart, so what they think doesn't matter very much, WHEN, they don't like me,but I have a huge fear of it. I hope this makes sense.
So, the N (PD) cannot learn how to navigate his place in the world. He cannot learn from experience, so he is doomed to forever be hitting his head against the wall.
I ,now, am ready to test out and modify how I navigate life. I think"normal" people do this, as children. They learn to "Play well with others". I think "normal" children evolve as social creatures ,with guidance from parents.
I think they learn a balance between meeting their own needs and being in a social group and giving to others.
I had to shut down ,at 14,so simply stopped learning how to function, in the world.
Does any of this make sense? I would love any feedback. Thanks so much Ami