Author Topic: Building Self-Esteem Part 2  (Read 1014 times)


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Building Self-Esteem Part 2
« on: March 17, 2008, 07:44:05 PM »
You start off by getting yourself 2 note books. On the front of one, write BAD ME and on the front of the other, write GOOD ME. Now put the good me book away. We start with the bad me book.
Now, what we are going to do is pick ourselves completely apart. We will not, use anything any one else has said about us. In this exercise, it is extremely important to remember that nobodies opinion counts, ONLY YOURS!!!.  We start off by picking ourselves apart. We look at every single aspect of ourselves, not as someone else sees us but as we see ourselves. You will write down every single thing about yourself that you think is bad.
 Some examples of what I mean are, If you wear shoes that lace and tie and you don't feel you do a good job of lacing and tieing, this would go on the bad me list. Do you make your bed nicely? Are you a good house keeper? are you clean about your person? can  you cook well? brush your teeth regularly, fix your hair nicely?
Carry your book around with you and write down everything that you catch yourself doing that you don't particularly like. Take your time with this so you can make sure you have gotten everything but don't worry if you miss something as you can always polish up later.
When you have confidence that you have written everything down that there is to write,put the book away and give the program a couple of days to rest.
Now get the good me book out and start all over again, picking your self apart. Again get nit-picky about this. Again, take your time. Do not try to rush this program or you will miss something. Carry that book around and when you notice that what you have done is a good thing, write it down.  When this book is finished, again put the book away and let it rest a couple of days.
I want to say again, at this point, it is extremely important that you do not let what other people have said about you to get into this program. Nobody counts here but you. This is all about you, for you. You will learn who you are from the inside. You do not have to share what you are doing with anyone. This is for you and you alone.
OK, next step. Get that bad me book out again. Read what you have put in there. We are now going to make this into a working list so pick out what you think might be the easiest thing on this list to change. For instance, if you wrote down, lacing and tying shoes, this is a simply thing to change so put it at the top of your list. List everything from the easiest to the hardest. you may erase and change as you go. When you get the list prioratized, got back to the beginning of your list and pick that first thing there and work on changing it. Lacing and tying shoes only takes a little practice so go to work on it. When you finally accomplish changing it into something you like and are happy with, scratch this off of the bad me list and move it to the good me book.
 Now this very first one is going to be the hardest to get into because it is hard for us human to change out habits of years. But once you have worked on it, changed it and gotten to the point of scratching it from the bad me book and writing it in the good me book, you will feel a feeling of euphoria. It is hard to describe just how great this feels but believe me, you will feel like celebrating. You will laugh and feel terrific over this and it will give you the courage to move on to the second thing in your bad me book and to work on getting it changed too so you can bring that feeling back.
It is important to understand, You will not be able to change every little thing about yourself and you need not worry about this. We are not meant to be perfect. We are made with flaws so that we do not become so proud of ourselves that we start to make a whole new set of mistakes. An example of what I am saying here is, with myself, my bad me book still holds my hair.
Growing up in the orphanage my hair was always taken care of for me. I never had to learn. When I came out of the orphanage, my step mother, then my foster mother did it for me. My hair is extremely thick and I simply could not learn to make it look nice. When I married, the first time, I married into a wealthy family and went to beauty parlours to have my hair done. I continued that habit into my second marriage until we simply could not afford it and I honestly tried to learn to do something with it but by then I had bursitis in both shoulders and to hold my arms in the air as long as it takes to do ones hair, simply was impossible for me so I cut it all off. My hair is barely long enough to be able to pinch a small amount between 2 fingers. So don't worry about one or two things not changing, that is what makes us human.
The point is that by time  you finish moving everything from the bad me book to the good me book, you will know who and what you are from the inside out and you will be proud of who you have become because you will have put a lot of hard work into making this new person and have every reason to be proud.
Again thanks to Bunny

Kim in Oz


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Re: Building Self-Esteem Part 2
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 05:23:21 PM »
Thank you,Kim .          Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung