Dear Flowerpower,
It may be that you are afraid to voice deep pain, shame, fear etc. You may feel that these feelings are too "vulnerable" for you to share. That would be my guess.Maybe,you fear rejection. Maybe ,you had your feelings shut down and dismissed ,as a child. Maybe, you were rejected and hurt, for deep feelings.
My remedy would be to "force" yourself out of that space and post. You could start small. I think that yoy will find a freedom ,if you push past this block.
Many ,many times that I post, I hate it. Others may hate it, too(lol). However, I HAVE to find my lost voice and sharing, particlulrly, when I DON"T want to ,is crucial.
Try to start small ,about your marriage, dissapointments, feelings you are holding inside,fears etc. Take a chance and see what happens.
James and Darren are amazing b/c they are opening up and seeing that they are not '"different" or alone. They have been embraced and you can feel the healing they are experiencing. That is my opinion, anyway.Ask your heart to give you the answer. A Big Hug, Ami