This is poem that I wrote. If you can imrpove it with out changing the esscence of it I would be very grateful.
I know that Izzi is very good with it as well as Hopalong.
But I will accept help ffrom anybody who is willing to help.
As you know English is my second language and I write poems in Spanish but I want to try in English so I can share them with you my friends.
Thank you.
As a child of an N parent, you grow up so confused!
No idea on what is wrong and wright.
When your mother says something
and later says that she never said it,
You grow up so cinfused, you grow up so confused
when your mother takes your things
and says that you must have forgotten them somewhere else,
When your mother takes things from your house
and then tells you
"Do you remember when you gave me this as a gift?"
You grow up so confused, you grow up so confused.
When your mother blames you for almost about everything that happens around
the family,
When your mother accuses you of things you have never done,
you grow up so confused, you grow up so confused.
You grow up blind and deaf, producing sounds not recognized by others because
you do not know how to produce the regular sounds
that others normally produce.
You grow up so confused, you grow up so confused.