Ami, I really think you have something here with your emphasis on perfectionism. Basically the N parent demands that the child be a selfless clone of themselves. They use love as the carrot and stick to mold the child's behavior so that it reflects the image(of themselves) they want to see. But no child can be the desired reflection consistently and this engenders continual rejection by the parent. Hence the only way in the child's mind to be loved and lovable is to be perfect. Since the child is NOT perfect, he naturally concludes he is basically flawed and unworthy of love. The child who becomes an adult N solves the dilemma by inventing a self that IS perfect and without flaw and therefore lovable.
As adults, I believe voiceless people continue the same doomed, hopeless quest for perfection and of course continue to fail and 'prove' their unworthiness to themselves over and over again. How many times have we heard not to connect self-worth with performance?? But not so easy to do for Vs. Every time you fall short in any way your self esteem automatically goes into the toilet. You have to break that perfection=love connection
Yes, Kelly.
My M wanted me to be perfect in ways that reflected well on her, too.
However,it was also, every little thing in my life, down to the details of buying dishwashe detergent soap. She wanted to try to take away any sense of my own core, b/c she was afraid that I WAS perceptive .
She is still afraid of that,I think. Ami
Dear Bill,
I can look around ANY room ,in my house, or any part ,in myself and see shame, shame, shame. I am flawed , I am flawed keeps repeating . I am facing that now. When s/one comes over,I clean the house and it looks good. My house AND I are like a prop.We try to look good,but it is a hanging together with pins.
I am afraid that a pin will fall out, and shame will fall down around me--bleh.
I am trying to outrun shame. I hear "Who do you think you are?"in my head . I go to great lengths to avoid it. If I am perfect enough, maybe it will stay away.
It really HAS me either way. It has me if I am running OR if it gets me. It is all part of the same cycle.I am the prey,just as I was with my M.
The worst part of all is fear of intimacy. Intimacy is " In To Me You See"
For s/one to "see" me is the worst fear of all. I really don't know who I am,much of the time.
I have so many distortions about myself. Since I have to be "perfect", I am always failing.Then, I am set up for shame, from myself and /or s/one else.
I became just like my M, filled with shame and insecure--bleh. The last thing in the world I ever wanted was to be like she. She is a clueless . I am half like her and half not.
I took on the shame ,but I am not clueless. . I am in some in between state.
Just talking about it and facing it feels positive. Identifying a problem is the first step to letting it go..
The answer is in facing the lies about myself. When I can see myself as human, not "bad", I will be emotionally well, I think. The Bible says ,"There is NO temptation taken you, which is common to man"(paraphrase). IOW, we are all alike ,as humans, in our cores. My goal is to believe this ,in my heart. I don't yet, but I hope to.
Thanks for your post, Bill. Love and Hugs, Ami