I think the crucial factor in having any relationship is the ability to trust ourselves, first. We have to be able to take rejection without feeling it will kill us--hurt us,yes, but not kill us.
We have to feel that we can protect ourselves, as a first priority, in the relationship, any relationship(IMO)
I am just learning these things,now.When you are abused, you doubt yourself, terribly. You blame yourself, terribly.You lose trust in your ability to navigate life. You are set up to get in to bad relationships. It is almost a sure set up to be abused, all over again.
I learned by screwing up, royally. First I trusted my parents when I should not have. Then, my H.
Now, I am trying to love and "own" myself, first.That has to be the first priority, not another person(IMO). When it is time for a relationship, God will bring it.(IMO) Often, it is effortless. That happened with me. It WAS effortless how we bonded. It was "right",not a push.
James, you have insight, charm, kindness and intelligence. You will be a great partner after you find the "you" who is "you.
Your parents made it necessary for you to have to "dig" for what should have been yours, as a child's birthrigh---,confidence, trust in yourself etc.
It is there, just buried under lies you HAD to swallow. There is a beautiful person inside you for you to know and to share with another. You will know when the right person comes to you. I feel strongly about this.Your past struggles may make you deeper and MORE capable of a deep connection. I am thinking that it can happen this way.
Love Ami