It is so hard to keep one's emotional & psychological strength up when one under goes what you're undergoing. Damn, it's hard.
But, can you look at it this way? You are helping yourself and doing what you need to do by applying for food stamps. You are not cowering in the corner. Food stamps are there in case anyone of us needs them. What you are undergoing can happen to anyone. Thank Gd, there are some safety nets.
I read about your NM's movie offer. I agree with GS that it's not your guilt. Now, do you think your NM is sending out an olive branch? And if so, can you accept it so that maybe she'll give you some $?
Towrite, I think I would only contemplate taking $ from her if you fortify yourself with very, very strong boundaries and promise yourself that you will not allow her to verbally, emotionally or psychologically abuse you. So, when she trash talks you, it's water off a duck's back.