I just came in from dinner with a friend who told me she finds that I get close to her and as soon as she feels we have a connection I leave or withdraw... she also said that she finds it strange that I do not seem to have references like I forgot it was easter even though I was going off to my sisters for the weekend. I have to say that she was very gentle with these comments and I did not feel defensive or threatened but I did feel a sense of shame AGAIN, like I was not good enough. I know my friend was not being mean, just observing and maybe noting her sense of loss when I move away. This brings me back to thoughts of intimacy and my fear of it. I do think that being with an N is a way of avoiding intimacy even though it is what, at some level, I really want.
I think that I am left with feeling that I am surprised that someone would want to be with me, that there is more than my desire for connection in a friendship/relationship............interesting stuff and timely topic for me, thanks,