Has anybody else found that years of witnessing a N's delusions of grandeur has made you underrate your own abilities?
For me... my N mom seems to have a new amazing talent every month that's going to make her famous or rich. She talks about it a lot and sometimes spends a lot of money on it - but nothing ever comes of it, and then she seems to forget all about it and she's on to the next one. I guess that's common N behavior.
I observed her through all of that... I didn't know that it wasn't "normal" until I was in college, but I did know at a younger age that I didn't want to be like her. What I learned from her behavior was this;
-no person can accurately assess their own talents/abilities and that often made them appear foolish
-you shouldn't let anyone know that you're working on a creative project because then you'll look stupid when you don't finish it or it doesn't amount to anything
-and... what's the point? Other people won't take your talent seriously anyway, and you'll probably lose interest and not follow through. So why try?
I guess I did have some insight into narcissism then.

I just didn't know that it wasn't "normal" and so I thought it applied to me too. It resulted in yet another way of being voiceless and unable to express myself. I'm still working on changing these ideas in my own mind. I have a lot of fear of OVERrating myself and other people seeing it. I feel like having any sort of dream that isn't 100% realistic (more than realistic - probable or even assured) is stupid. If you believe something would happen (like getting a job because you have the skills for it) and then it doesn't, that feels downright shameful.
Some of my N mom's delusions are really something. Sometimes she seems so removed from reality that I wonder if she has something else wrong with her besides NPD. She told me one time that she was going to Hollywood that weekend to buy a house so she could live there while they filmed her movie. (what movie?!) She purchased a notebook computer so that she could write her novel and then never used it. Another time she bought a whole lot of expensive art supplies and told me all about the paintings she was going to sell for thousands of dollars. She's not an artist. She didn't even think she needed art lessons first, she thought she could just paint. I don't think she ever even used any of the art stuff. There are many more... I try to just ignore her now.
So, what kinds of delusions do your Ns have?