Author Topic: passive agressive emotional abuse  (Read 2359 times)


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passive agressive emotional abuse
« on: August 08, 2004, 09:14:39 AM »
Briefly, because, among other factors, my mother only received the loving attention from her alcoholic parents when she was sick or outperformed others, she incorporated a similar method of parenting, but with a twist.  She is able to relate more to her children when we are sick or helpless, and to that regard, she tries to make sure we stay that way.  Like a co-dependence through illness. At the same time, she is angry when we are overly helpless, for that does not boost her self image to have non functioning children. In other words, her children had to outperform our peers exactly the way our mother did, or we would have to be ill as an excuse for not outperforming. We just had to grow up to be and do what she was or would do.  No differentiation accecpted.

One of the methods used is what I refer to as passive agressive emotional abuse.  Very sneaky and quiet type of things said.  For instance, she would say over and over, "are you depressed?" when you are obviously not, or is your thyroid working well, or are you mood swinging, or is you liver finally functioning right? Or more obvios things like, your look a little strange today, are you well?  These things are said also when her children tend to go their own way or make their own decisions. Harmless enough statements, but with the tone of voice, and said over and over and over and over in childhood, taking us to a doctor all the time, demonstating love only when we are ill, well you get the idea.  No touching at all unless you were ill.

Yesterday she said out of the blue, in the middle of a conversation we were having, "Are you sure you are all right?" It was a simple converstation, and for the life of me I cannot figure out what brought this on except that I was giving my own opinion about the color of the walls in my house...I like white and open and she likes Victorian clutter.  

What I hate is my inability to simply say something other than yes, I am doing just fine!  But, in all honesty, it would do no good to give her any speeches as to why hert tone of voice and method of behavior survival is non-optimal.  However, it has taken me a long long long time to even get to this point of speaking my truth.

And I am healthy, living my life as I wish, and finally I am not my mother.  Finally.  

But, I do wish, just once, I could have gotten a hug just for being me, a strong, independent, self secure me, instead of growing up playing those if-you-need-a-hug-from-mother-please-be-the-best-for-her-or-be-ill  games.


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passive agressive emotional abuse
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2004, 09:36:47 AM »
That is my post above. I am new here and did not log in correctly.  

I have learned that it works better for me not to be around mother by myself.  So, I always am there with someone else.  This makes it very hard though, because she is getting older now, and needs help occasionally.  

Boy!  In all honesty, I still have that statement from yesterday in my head. Guess I am a bit miffed about it.  Best to let it pass, for she will not change.  It has taken me a very long time to get to this point in understanding.  Lots of hard introspective work, but it was worth every painful moment of realization.

Just needed to talk. Thanks for listening.


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passive agressive emotional abuse
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2004, 09:56:55 AM »
Hello freetobeme.  Are you new to the board?  If so, welcome.  :)

And I am healthy, living my life as I wish, and finally I am not my mother. Finally.

Congratulations!  Did you manage to do all this recovery work on your own, if I may ask...  :?:  I have needed a lot of help a long the way.

What I hate is my inability to simply say something other than yes, I am doing just fine! But, in all honesty, it would do no good to give her any speeches as to why hert tone of voice and method of behavior survival is non-optimal.

I know what you mean.  I tried this with my NMother recently.  As in, I tried to have an honest discussion with her.  And it was simply impossible.  I got her to question herself a little and typical N style, she has decided to have nothing more to do with me.  We'll see how long that lasts.  But I absolutely couldn't take anymore of those types of conversations where you have to be going through a crisis, be ill or be doing something *she* thinks of as right in order to get her attention.  I am me...and if that doesn't get her attention, so be it.  That's one childhood program currently being uninstalled.

Thanks for posting.  Look forward to hearing more from you.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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passive agressive emotional abuse
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2004, 11:10:08 AM »
Hi, new here - hope you don't mind if I jump in.

Your mother sounds like the N I am currently dealing with - my boss. She is the QUEEN of modulated tone and feigned patience. She is driving everyone else she deals with in the office nuts. As is in several people are trying to leave because of her and managements blindness to her and the situation. I work with her for 8 hours a day so it is a HUGE issues with me - these others who are having such issues work with her sporadically, but her personality resonates throughout the office. I have never seen people speak so vehemently about a coworker - yet she has management wrapped around her little finger. She can do no wrong.

When if all came to a head with us, we ended up in a 3-way with the president of the company I thought it would be fair and balanced reporting but they had obviously had a private conversation first. She is also (as I guess many Ns are) highly intelligent and very verbally astute - I am more a gal in the corner type.

Turns out all the issues we were having were because I was "depressed" a nd "couldn't take the pressure", I was having issues with my ex (also an N- haven't seen him in 8 years, we rarely talk and he really isn't an issue) - that was funny - not like I would discuss anything with her about that. Made it seem like I had these huge emotional problems "I don't knowif you are depressed". No, I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH HER! This issue is that she reminds me of my ex and I have a knee jerk reaction. You can see that I am still learning how to deal with these people in a rational way - LONG way to go.

Anyway, point being yet another twisted plot. They can't possibly be lacking. It must be thr rest of the world. Wish I was far enough along with myself to give advice.


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passive agressive emotional abuse
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2004, 12:24:54 PM »

Your description of your mother sounds a bit like Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy. Please see this site for more info:

There are probably ways to deal with your mother, and frankly I think you're doing the optimal thing by quickly dealing with her "concern."



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passive agressive emotional abuse
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2004, 12:36:21 PM »
Hi again,

Maybe MSBP isn't what your mom does; that is when the mother actually induces real illnesses in her children. But the site is still interesting.



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passive agressive emotional abuse
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2004, 08:14:58 PM »
My mother was/is like that too.  I have Crohn's disease.. I got it at the age of 7, which is VERY young (children often develope these gastrointestinal diseases due to child abuse).  My mother never touches, hugs, kisses, or says "i love you". My mother said "i love you", to me, three times in my life.. God knows why three and not none.