I see from the board interaction that my M couldn't help it, how she thought. She did not have enough of a core to have a "stop" on her feelings. They just came out,all over the place(which was me-lol)
I see that your "core" is your "stopper', in a way,for the thoughts and feelings that we all have. IF they are said, they wound. They were not meant to be said,but thinking them is OK.
I am just realizing that thinking ANY thoughts are OK,but saying ANY thoughts are not.
I got really confused on that b/c my M shamed me so much that I thought my thoughts were bad.
I still have a sense of self, even though I have not trusted it for a long time.
My M never had one,I don't think.
Once an emotion hit her, it was OUT and you were the target. She did not have the part that censored it b/c it would hurt s/one. Some part of the "self" was not there.
I think my GM saved me .
With my GM, it was NOT all about her, as it always was with my M.
It was about my needs and well being, as a child and for my whole life.
My M wounded me tremendously and I have to heal the wounds,but I see that she did not have the self that I am now getting ,or digging up again.Your self monitors your actions , tells you right from wrong and allows you to see s/thing from s/one else's point of view. If a person does not have one, they are impaired. It is like a car without an engine.