Author Topic: Virtual Emotional Support  (Read 16116 times)


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2004, 05:28:58 AM »
Quote from: Garlic etc
The Ramble thread will explain all sweetie.

You wanna see anger--boy oh boy oh boy oh boy--

Quite contradictory to this sweet & innocent pennin' over here, it's all comin' from Portia over there---


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2004, 05:29:41 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
What I posted above is enough.  If you are satisfied with them, if their behaviour is not offensive to you, then there is your answer. My post is to invite others who already feel bewildered, in the manner HUGC and I are, to question! question! question!  Phoenix


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2004, 05:30:16 AM »
Quote from: HUG&C
---I can't understand why you think you have the "right" answer on this

Hun, I nor Phoenix ain't the only ones who've expressed these feelin's before--  And P & her one in the same possey of characters by far ain't no newbie to instigated, vile, nasty chaos. No--I ain't gonna take my time drudgin' up months old transpirings & gettin' into a futile ping-pong match with ya. You wanna know, you gotta do the work, and make your peace with it.      

This is gettin' painfully silly, and I can't engage on the low energy vib. level much more, presious.  It 'aint my gig, and it vexes my chalkras...

Ya trys yer darndest but each must arrive into their own---

But that surely don't mean yer gonna get away with abuses P -- You and yer self possey's are gonna get called on it.

---although I am still confused about the details of the accusations.

Unbelievable love. May I gently say that maybe ya shouldn't be commenting with such fervor in that case, sweetie---maybe let the whole thing go now--

Ya truly seem like a prize gal & I know the stability\safety of the board feels important to ya. I really can't say much more to yer soul, babe. It ain't open---  

Despite what yer feelin', it 'aint no condescension---  

Wishin' ya god speed in life honey---   It's all I can do---  :(

Phoenix-- my hat and heart to ya for tryin'-- your wisdom and intelligence is beyond what can be takin' in by some just now---

Frustratin' ain't it---  but I 'aint got a seed of doubt within me that you'll use it elsewhere many times with great successes---


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2004, 05:31:21 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
Phoenix-- my hat and heart to ya for tryin'-- your wisdom and intelligence is beyond what can be takin' in by some just now---

Frustratin' ain't it---  but I 'aint got a seed of doubt within me that you'll use it elsewhere many times with great successes---

Ditto to you HUG&C. But I planted a seed. That is what is important. And I am willing to put my name on the line, so others can find their voice and bravery, and come forward in the matter.

No--I ain't gonna take my time drudgin' up months old transpirings & gettin' into a futile ping-pong match with ya. You wanna know, you gotta do the work, and make your peace with it.

Anyone wanting to look back, go to Search and enter in "guest" or "Guest" . Or search for all posts in that time period. There was quite a flame war at time. It got real ugly. Look at posts around Febuary and March. You can get a real flavor for the gal.

Thanks Anonymous guest, for coming forth, as well.


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2004, 05:32:02 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
Quote from: Anonymous
i think hugc and phoenix, you are talking to the same person sometimes with many names here and maybe that is why it is so boggling to mind that there is defence for this portia person and her out of bounds behavior.

I believe that you just said what HUG&C  and I already are alert to. Which is why it is like walking through a landmine in a house of mirrors.

"But that surely don't mean yer gonna get away with abuses P -- You and yer self possey's are gonna get called on it. "

This may be the best we can do. I'm not keeping silent in the face of abuse when I see it. There were people brutalized this past month who I would have loved to step in for, but couldn't due to problems with my Broadband connection. It has been fixed.Phoenix


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2004, 05:32:51 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
Quote from: Anonymous
you who doesn't see it now i suggest you to watch for it in the future. you will see the real thing.

It's already starting.

See what is developing here Michelle (and silent others?) Yep ,you can expect that everything I ever posted will be dragged up and used against me. That's why people who have been here before have kept silent. Busy little stinging bee.

And be alert for the diversionary tactics- new posters with quite dramatic stories. Now how will you know? You won't. But consider it possible. I have my own guidelines and I have been pretty correct in using them, watching personalities blow in , blow out. Sorry, I can't share what my guidelines are, because I dont want to aid the creative writer in smoothing out their technique.

And if you are not sure, but suspect? I suggest just go ahead and treat everyone as real, it is the curteous thing to do, answer as you would normally. It is at the very least practice at putting your thoughts to paper, and someone else may be aided.


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2004, 05:33:42 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
God Bless You , BT.

And it is perfectly alright with me that no one else waste their energy in this. I'll let the tanks roll over me awhile, then when the ammunition has been spent, we can talk of more important things.

Take care, good luck at your new job. I suspect you are drawn there for reasons other than money. Lessons in life. Hugs Phoenix


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #52 on: August 13, 2004, 05:34:45 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
Quote from: Anonymous
This may be the best we can do. I'm not keeping silent in the face of abuse when I see it. There were people brutalized this past month who I would have loved to step in for, but couldn't due to problems with my Broadband connection. It has been fixed.Phoenix

Michelle, can you help me with this one? On 22nd of July, Pheonix started her new thread and said she'd been up and running and lurking here for month. I just highlighted it. Can you explain to me what her above comment in supposed to have us believe. That she was ham-strung to go into battle. No, I don't believe that. For obvious reasons. She was here. Think I'll go and do some more reading before she does anymore editing of her posts which I noticed she's doing. The race is on.

I'm bring this over from Legal /Emotional Issues.

Anonymous wrote:
[Pheonix, didn't you just tell Michelle you'd have loved to have stepped and contributed in the past month but couldn't cause you weren't hooked up. Make up your minds Pheonix gal. And you wrote this, when? HUH!  

I've been hooked up for nearly two months. My TV had a short in it and they replaced two internet modems before they discovered the TV as the reason I couldn't keep my 24 hour BB on. Anything else? Phoenix
And yes I've managed to slip in a few posts. Even so, if I was just now mustering the courage to confront you- so what?

She was here. Think I'll go and do some more reading before she does anymore editing of her posts which I noticed she's doing. The race is on

I think you are now bordering on paranoia. The only thing edited has been wordings as I have posted them... you, know, making sure that my words said what I wanted them to.

What race? This is comical. Phoenix


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #53 on: August 13, 2004, 05:35:13 AM »
Quote from: HUGS&C
Phoenix Hun--

Yer my hero.  

If ya don't want, ya don't hafta keep engagin', sweet.   Sometimes evil can be pretty drainin'---  and ya 'ain't able to crack through it with any kinda  logic --or even love--  

Me & loads of silent others infinitely appreciate your bringin' the issue out so openly, and we got yer back real good in terms of callin' out any future abuses of P & P's self Possey---   If ya wanna leave it--feel free hon.  

Ya already won by exposin' evil, and w'ere darn proud of ya--  

Evil just gets crazier and more nonsensical--  Dialogue as much ya like hon, yer doin' great.... as long as ya 'ain't feelin' the demon spirit suck---

Ain't worth a single worry, hun.  Though ya seem in finest form!  Just want ya to know it's ok to shut it out cold turkey any time ya want---

Love n' Peace to ya, girl--  Ya rock!


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #54 on: August 13, 2004, 05:35:45 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
I must give some of the credit to VCG who presented it. From there it was dominos falling.

I was relaxing out back, barbequing chicken , when a flame war broke out in my Weber Kettle! I tried to put it out by misting it with water- only to have the flames leap higher! Thick smoke filled the air! Finally I doused the fire by smothering it with the lid. Now the six chicken legs are all cooking nicely  peaceful under their cover. Funny how life sometimes imitates the internet? LOL!

I suspect there is more to come.

I think it doesn't bother me because I have nothing to hide,  and I care about others here.

Thanks for your kind words; I don't anticipate myself being harried by this too much.  I've endured too much in my life to let  unpleasant strangers yank my chain.   Hugs, Phoenix


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #55 on: August 13, 2004, 05:36:27 AM »
Quote from: phoenix
I want to clear something up. I don’t think Portia is CG- but I had a moment of wonder there.

I think Portia and CG have contributed much wisdom to the board, and are intelligent people. I have always enjoyed Portia’s posts until late, where they have take on an aggressive, hurtful tone and content to others. As for my feelings regarding CG, I could throw the baby out with the bath water; I’ve seen too much ugliness there for my taste.

We are individuals here, finding our own way, learning discernment in our relationships, even the relationships here.  I am not asking for anyone to join me on a side. All I am doing is encouraging others secretly wishing to, to speak up for what they believe. What’s the worse that could happen? That every post you ever wrote will be brought up to be scrutinized, twisted, misrepresented, and thrown back at you as ammunition? So what. It’s all paper airplanes to me.

good night all, Phoenix


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #56 on: August 13, 2004, 05:39:22 AM »
What a pile of nonsense.


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2004, 06:09:42 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: phoenix
Quote from: Anonymous
you who doesn't see it now i suggest you to watch for it in the future. you will see the real thing.

It's already starting.
Yes Michelle , you should  get paranoid to, just like me.

See what is developing here Michelle (and silent others?)

Yep ,you can expect that everything I ever posted will be dragged up and used against me. That's why people who have been here before have kept silent. Busy little stinging bee.

And be alert  and be very scared for the diversionary tactics- new posters (look out for all new posters )  with quite dramatic stories. Now how will you know? You won't.

But consider it possible.

I have my own guidelines and

I have been pretty correct in using them,

watching personalities blow in , blow out.

I can't share what my guidelines are,
because I dont want to aid the creative writer in smoothing out their technique.

And if you are not sure, but suspect? I suggest just go ahead and treat everyone as real, it is the curteous thing to do, answer as you would normally. It is at the very least practice at putting your thoughts to paper, and someone else may be aided.Phoenix[/[/size]quote]

Yes, pheonix, we're all not only voiceless, but we're stupid too and it seems we're to be dependent on you to interpret our reality for us.

Oh, are you the boogey man pheonix? Why try to scare Michelle into beleiving she can't trust her own judgement. That's a bit off, I think. You say, because you can't share the secret of how you interpret. Have signed a coven oath. What is it that's so dreadfully secret? Are you reading tea leaves and ashamed of the weak source?

Pleeeze give us a break, and credit some intelligence to this board. Are you trying to scare everyone into believing you're smarter than everyone else and have some insight that we all lack? So we become dependent on you for the truth we believe and for you to interpret reality for us.

PUKE!  :evil:  It was talk and obsessive behaviour like yours from people like you who caused me to need to come here in the first place[/b]

very angry guest[/size]


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #58 on: August 13, 2004, 10:35:00 PM »
Don't bite Phoenix! It's so obvious who it is.  Same writing style and board hogging as her baffling dialogue with CG in other threads.    

I don't know anyone with that much time on their hands to post message after message, day after day, to go through all of those old messages and paste and quote.What a sick thing to do. That girl must have a huge inferiority complex, and no life.    

We love ya ((((Phoenix)))) and are really smart enough to see the silly targeting practices of sick minds.

It's not working at all.

p.s. If the writer has anything to say to me it will be wasted. I won't ever waste my time with such a fool.  :x  This note was only for Phoenix.


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Virtual Emotional Support
« Reply #59 on: August 13, 2004, 11:03:33 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: phoenix
Quote from: Anonymous
you who doesn't see it now i suggest you to watch for it in the future. you will see the real thing.

It's already starting.
Yes Michelle , you should  get paranoid to, just like me.

See what is developing here Michelle (and silent others?)

Yep ,you can expect that everything I ever posted will be dragged up and used against me. That's why people who have been here before have kept silent. Busy little stinging bee.

And be alert  and be very scared for the diversionary tactics- new posters (look out for all new posters )  with quite dramatic stories. Now how will you know? You won't.

But consider it possible.

I have my own guidelines and

I have been pretty correct in using them,

watching personalities blow in , blow out.

I can't share what my guidelines are,
because I dont want to aid the creative writer in smoothing out their technique.

And if you are not sure, but suspect? I suggest just go ahead and treat everyone as real, it is the curteous thing to do, answer as you would normally. It is at the very least practice at putting your thoughts to paper, and someone else may be aided.Phoenix[/[/size]quote]

Yes, pheonix, we're all not only voiceless, but we're stupid too and it seems we're to be dependent on you to interpret our reality for us.

Oh, are you the boogey man pheonix? Why try to scare Michelle into beleiving she can't trust her own judgement. That's a bit off, I think. You say, because you can't share the secret of how you interpret. Have signed a coven oath. What is it that's so dreadfully secret? Are you reading tea leaves and ashamed of the weak source?

Pleeeze give us a break, and credit some intelligence to this board. Are you trying to scare everyone into believing you're smarter than everyone else and have some insight that we all lack? So we become dependent on you for the truth we believe and for you to interpret reality for us.

PUKE!  :evil:  It was talk and obsessive behaviour like yours from people like you who caused me to need to come here in the first place[/b]

very angry guest[/size]

Hi pheonix hun, like talking to yourself and encouraging yourself, do you? You sure do a lot of it!  :D All your imaginary guest friends are out in full force still, I see.  :D