I really don't deserve this but thank you for the congratulations. Jacob is such a great wee guy and being a Mummy is amazing. It's incredible that he's so pleased to see me, even if I've just left the room for a couple of minutes. He's a very hungry greedy boy.... the amount he eats astounds me, and several times when we go visiting we're offered food because he seems starving, even though I take twice the amount of food everywhere I go. He weighed 8lb 5oz when he was born and now weighs over 19lb!! A big boy.

He loves tickles, bouncing and books and seems to be quite a placid little man, however he did suffer with really bad colic/wind for the first 4 months so that was quite difficult. He sleeps about 10/11 hours at night now and if I'm lucky he'll have a couple of naps in the day, but he's very nosey so I think he thinks he's missing something if he's sleeping

For those who remember I have an N biological dad, and we haven't spoken since Feb 2005. He sent me a Xmas card last year which said "I hope you are well, Sonia suggested I send a card". From having a nose around, Sonia appears to be a friend of his, but it was so typical of him to put something so he wasn't responsible for sending the card. Regarding Jacob, I have sent him a photo with his name, weight and dob. If he wants to see him he can but I'm not going to make any effort. I haven't decided whether to send a photo each year or not.
Anyway, here are some photos of the wee man (hopefully I've posted them ok!)... about a week old

Bathtime, he was a couple of months old here

This is christmas time, he's 3 1/2 months old

Playing - 5 months old

Playing - 6 months old

Latest pics, almost 7 months

Ladies Man

And doing his favourite thing, eating!

Hopefully you're not too bored and I hope the photos work.
H&H xx