Author Topic: English Women on Board?  (Read 943 times)


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English Women on Board?
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:51:33 PM »
You know, I have always had the belief that English men were far, far, more proper, more gentlemanly... than N. American men.

I never watched "The Bachelor"  Reality Show,
1.) because I don't like the scripts, and
2.) because the men were such Ns (I did watch 3 episodes.) (I think there might have been some 'bedding down' implied.)

Then came the English Bachelor.

Well!! I find him very pleasant and very considerate. I've watched only 2 episodes and plan on watching see who gets dumped!

And I don't expect any 'bedding down' to take place.

I must be nuts, as all men are the same!

Must rid myself of the pedestal on which I have put English men... a la Priince Charles...but I must admit he has been in love with Camilla for a long time and I am impressed with that,,,,but not that he had to marry a virgin and have kids and get divorced before thay coud be together.

I would be terribly hurt, I'm sure.

Comments? from England?
or USA................ Canada.............
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"