Today is really the first time that i have ever been able to see so clearly the nature of the family i grew up in. It was hardly a family by most accounts, at least one that was loving in any way. It was all pretend. For most of my life i have felt like an outsider, something of a freak. I now know why it's been this way. My mom tried to blame me again yesterday for not being the type child that she thought was "normal". She was referring to my inability to separate from them at an very young age. I told her i was so threatned by them that i thought the whole world was very dangerous. She was very offended by my honesty. She tried to crush me again but this time i just looked at her and didn't say much, she knew i was serious and nothing she could conjure up would protect her from the "lie" that i was exposing. Sometimes i feel rather stupid when it comes to my emotional side but i finally get what this board is all about. Mainly i just want to say thank you, to the members here, i feel understood and appreciate so much the sharing of your stories and experiences and your support. This place is the opposite of what i grew up in and you have made an important difference in my life.......james
Dear James
It is beautiful to see you start to heal. The board can do that ,in a way I have never found. I don't know why ,but the combination of factors WILL produce healing for people who will stay and be honest .
When towrite said about "real" friends, that has been my experience, too. You, on the computer( and some on the phone,too) are so precious to me. Maybe it is b/c we have been through the "war" together. The war is N's, of course.
I appreciate ,now, after Scott's death, the unique position we are in,we, who have been wounded by N's. It is the same small group as Mothers who have lost children.
No one "gets it" about N's ,unless they have lived it. Right now, I want my closest friends to be people who DO understand.
I will have friends who don't, but I will not TRY to get them to understand ,anymore, b/c they can't. I feel a great sense of relief.
James, you WILL get through this.You have the heart and core of a beautiful person and that will take you on, as you fight the darkness and come in to the light. I am honored to be your friend and walking the path with you. Love Ami