Dear Kate
I am not a practicing professional ,but IMO, you are not an N. You seem to be a LV(little voice),like most of us, here.I have "known" you, for a year and a half.
I have not seen ONE NPD trait in you. In fact, you seem not to have enough "N", as we little voices don't.
Kate,one of the dominant traits of N's is to blame others especially LV's for the N's mental problems, like Kelly's M is doing. My M does this ALL the time. She tells me that *I* am ALL the bad traits that SHE is. As I heal, I realize I am not like her ,in most ways.
Kate, if you were an N, you would not question yourself, as you do ,openly and honestly.
N's don't do this.
N's blame other people and will not see it, even if everyone else doe..
Kate,you are a 'normal" person who had bad FOO patterning and little FOO support in hard times.
I really have a feeling that very soon, in the next few days, your situation will turn around. I feel like you will be in a better place,physically.
In the meantime, you are NOT an N(IMO).
If you read Vaknin's book, you could never fit in there.
You need more N traits ,not fewer.
I am so sorry that you are suffering so deeply.I wish I could help, Kate.
Love Ami