No it has never made sense to me but I do have a friend who has done that. She would rather be without electric then not be able to charge.
She live a life of borrow or take from Peter to pay Paul. If she was to pay her electric then that is exactly what she would have Lights but to not pay her charges then she would not be able to shop or pay bills with the card. So it got so out of control that she eventually lost it all. Card, house, Car all of it.
When she could have paid her normal bills I seen her come home with really stupid stuff, like things for her porch, lights, even a lighted Palm Tree, now does this make sense?
The more she had consumed the more secure she felt by stupid things, yet the important things, meant nothing to her.
Do I get it, No, never did never will. She still continues to live this way but has found others to pay her bills for her even though she has a job she still continues to buy Needless Things and just figured out a way to keep her pay, her money for those things and everyone else to pay for the real life needs. You be surprised how many different people she has to do this and they are all men. nor do any of them know each other. She networks with who she can get supplies and keeps them seperate that they would ever find out. In the last two years she has worked about 6 months total and has it all still.
This is my N friend.