Author Topic: I've Never Given Them A Chance  (Read 2737 times)


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Re: I've Never Given Them A Chance
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2008, 02:33:19 PM »
My broken old Nmom, now doddering in her wheelchair, does love me. After 10 years living with her, I finally realized that.


She CANNOT STOP BEING A NARCISSIST. So she continued to undermine, exhaust and damage me, up to and including the moment when she "sicced" my brother on me, which led to a whole chain of events that will resolve in NC with my brother likely forever. It is the exact thing she used to talk about NOT wanting, endless lectures about the importance of family, shoving me in his direction, never facing how his abusiveness had scarred me, so with every shove, she further weakened the possibility that we might find an adult way of staying in touch, however tenuous. Now, under the stress of her decline, he has turned full-tilt male-bully sabotaging N, and that is worse than anything she ever tried.

Ironically, when she was disoriented the other evening she asked me, and where are you living, in an apartment or a house? A house, I said. Where is it? I named our street. She was shocked: OUR house? Yes, I said. Well try to hang onto it, she said...

What part of her does not know that if she had ever been able to see past her Nreflexes to protect me from my brother...I wouldn't be fighting to keep it right now...

So, Beth, I'd say to never ever expect full understanding or welcome or appreciation or validation from them. If you say or write or express anything, it can only be for YOURSELF. If it will feel right to you to literally make a statement, out loud, to them sometime...then why not?

But I'd say do that only if you really really really can get into the mindset of NOT being interested in their response. Completely unattached. Having your loving embrace of yourself be so confident and complete that you KNOW you are going to benefit from just stating your true feelings to them and then walking away, completely and totally letting go of the outcome, and expecting nothing.

If you can have all that in place, yes. If you can't, why expose yourself to the disappointment of needing or expecting or hoping for something that is likely never going to come?

For me, sitting in a close circle of women friends in a UU covenant group twice a month, where I can literally say everything that is in my heart, in safety and in confidence, has healed the place where I once wanted that acceptance and support from family. In fact, my church community IS my family.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I've Never Given Them A Chance
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2008, 02:53:53 PM »
For me, sitting in a close circle of women friends in a UU covenant group twice a month, where I can literally say everything that is in my heart, in safety and in confidence, has healed the place where I once wanted that acceptance and support from family. In fact, my church community IS my family.


Can't be bought at any price - that's priceless, Hops

Truly, I am joyfully glad to know that you have such a precious place in your life.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: I've Never Given Them A Chance
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2008, 11:33:16 PM »
Thanks, Leah.

Women's groups that meet intentionally, with deep listening techniques, a commitment to be there for each other, and to confidentiality, have been an amazing force for comfort and growth in my life.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I've Never Given Them A Chance
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2008, 12:38:23 PM »
This thread has some of the gears in my head turning.  Most of my experience in dealing with abuse is from the perspective of dealing with a full blown personality disorder.  My mother treated me badly, but for what reasons I do not know.  She was wrong and dysfunctional, and for somebody to do that something has to be out of whack, but I don't know that she's not capable of changing or feeling guilt.  She once told me straight out randomly, "I yelled at you too much when you were a kid."  I don't really doubt her sincerity, but I just don't care.  I dunno... there are times when she would have given me her last dollar, but when she gets upset about something she's just downright mean. 

I don't want to kiss and make up.  I just want to get away. 


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Re: I've Never Given Them A Chance
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2008, 01:49:38 PM »
Thanks, Leah.

Women's groups that meet intentionally, with deep listening techniques, a commitment to be there for each other, and to confidentiality, have been an amazing force for comfort and growth in my life.


That's just how it ought to be, Hops

Listening Skills has to be the greatest gift that one person can extend to another,

and it is truly vailidating for the person sharing, when someone is really Listening - to what the person is actually saying.

Love, Leah

PS >  I have gathered some "Listening" items that I wish add to the thread "Listening"
« Last Edit: April 30, 2008, 02:58:25 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO