Author Topic: BIG work in the yard yesterday  (Read 2156 times)


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BIG work in the yard yesterday
« on: May 11, 2008, 09:32:40 AM »
It was a lovely breezy day..... I pulled weeds, planted hosta, lillies and creeping jenny by the creek.

I picked up large pile's worth of limbs and sticks from the pine isles.

I snapped suckers from 35 or so large trees.  I love doing that... wish I could have reached higher. 

I weeded then picked up more sticks and debris.

I thought about the bon fires we'd make in the fall.

I scared a frog.... so glad to see one finally up and around.

I remember tad poles, big frogs and tiny tiny little frogs from my childhood. 

I want that for my children.

Today, Moother's Day..... I pot tomatoes and pepper plants.

I finish planting hosta by the creek.

I decide whether to keep my big lovely ferns, planted years ago under my old porch, potted on the patio or planted on the shady bank.

I think I'll walk it over the neighbor's koi pond.... and plant them there.

My muscles are sore and it feels fine.

It's wet and overcast today.... perfect for planting.



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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 09:56:37 AM »
Same to you, Miz Lighter....
so glad to hear from you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2008, 02:19:38 PM »
hi Light (er)
The highlight of my day is seeing your post. Heavens! You must have a large yard/property. You wear me out!

It's many years ago that I was renting and it was a double lot. I would rake over 35 garbage bags of leaves every Fall. I could put them to the curb only 5 at a time. so the rest remained lined up by the garage ready to go. I feel like a very lazy person, sometimes, now, but I ought not to.

You made me think of the frog pond when we were little. We always had to ask permission to go wading, and mom's answer was always 'I suppose'. We took it as a 'Yes' amd now I can take it that she likely had a problem actually saying Yes or No.

I usually can keep longish fingernails  (and my hands seem to require them to look like my hands) and they've broken off recently. I think it is from sitting to put the chair into the car, but the tips are sore (unprotected). Every day a new crack, chip gouge and I feel 'naked'. Tips really pained when I read about your digging and potting....

Maybe it's spring melting and regrowth all at once!

Happy yo see your post

OOPsy    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY  back at you..............and everyone!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2008, 02:21:27 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2008, 04:12:41 PM »
Any chance of getting someone to pot up some veggies in containers for your balcony, Izz?
For me any dirt will do, long as it's dirt...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2008, 09:52:47 AM »
Izzy... my nails hurt when warm water hits them.... very sore right now, not even sure why.

Hope yours feel better soon.  Sounds painful, ouch.

I think your mother said "I suppose" bc she was overwhelmed and didn't want to deal with wet muddy children....

BUT..... she wanted you guys happy and joyful in the water.

That's my 2 cents on that. 

Hops.....  I didn't get my veggies potted yesterday.  I got involved in finding JUST THE RIGHT spots for all my lovely hosta and ferns at the creek.  Then I moved 6 bushes that weren't thriving where they were in the sandy earth.  I added lots of soil amendments and made sure the roots had the very best shot.

Now.... my pots are empty and ready for vegetable plants. 

I'll start them today, as a treat for myself, after I get some work done today. 

Very very sore.... trying not to move too slowly. 

I banged my right arm near the elbow.... thought I cracked a bone. 

I didn't. Just a bruised swollen knot.

Izzy..... do you have a nice sunny balcony where you could grow a tomato plant?

I vote a cherry tomato plant... if so: )




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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2008, 09:12:48 AM »
I googled recipes for growing moss.

I think I'll try several, and let you know which works best.

All ingredients include variouse blends of beer, yogurt, moss, moss with spores present, freshly harvested moss only, lots of moss, a little moss, sugar, buttermilk, potters clay all blended in the blender to different degrees. 

Some just till blended till chopped a bit.... others till blended throurougly.

I think I'll try one recipe for growing moss on rocks, and another for the ground.

Did you know moss has no roots?  It gets it's nutrients from the air?


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2008, 01:07:28 PM »
I love moss, Lighter...

Not much garden update since I'm back in the huffing puffing full-time job and visit Momma weekday grind.

But! One of the square-foot-gardening beds is all planted except for the top row of squares where I'll put a trellis and climbing things. Only mistake I made was not drawing my chart quicky enough so I forgot what I'd done and planted the habaneros into the carrot squares. Hot carrots! I'll yank them out this weekend.

The other, an 8-footer, isn't planted yet. I have 10 gallons of worm castings to mix in, then we need to do the grids. There's nothing esthetic about it, but read at to see the idea. I love the efficiency, back-ease, and high yield. My other hero is Fritz Haeg, of the new book, Edible Estates.

Got seeds for radishes, beans, and beets from a friend, have seedling eggplants, watermelons to go in the new bed. Hopefully all that will get done this weekend.

FLowers will come later, just in pots. I think I ruined the tomatoes by covering them with plastic cups at night, but I've got a few more seedlings so I can replace them.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2008, 07:07:25 AM »
I love to garden for food!

I didn't realize you were working on moslty veg-e-ta-bles: )

I think hot carrots would be better than regular'ol carrots anyway.

::going to check out

::coming back::


I forgot your hug.

Glow, have fun and be present in the moment.



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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2008, 09:11:25 PM »
I got 2 hours work in around the koi pond this afternoon.... perfectly cool and overcast all day. 

The girls helped me make 2 big batches of moss slurry.

Both had beer, buttermilk, yogurt and very healthy moss (mit thread thingys attached.) 

The slurries, not the girls.

The second batch incorporated 2 Tbs. sugar and was just a wee bit thinner.

We painted rocks and dirt and bark and......

moss :shock:

The girls didn't quite have this thing figured out but.....

a good time was had by all.

Now.... I have to mist everything we painted.....


for 3 weeks. 

Every moment spent nurturing the girls.....

and growing things in the garden.....

is a pleasure.

:: counting blessings ::



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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2008, 12:05:08 PM »
Lighter - digging around for image of my art (I file the same I plant - as the spirit moves me!) I found this drawing...

It's pages of a book I was doing on sage...

Thought you might like it...
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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2008, 09:13:04 AM »

Ummmm.... lol.....

it was a picture of Angeline Jolie :P

I don't think your pics came through, Amber, but thanks for trying.

Today I set a timer and dig up as many ferns and moss clumps in an hour as I possibly can.... before my shower. 

It's still overcast.... having lightly stormed all yesterday afternoon. 

I can't think of better moss cultivating weather!

While I'm out...... I'll carefully collect 3 poison ivey leaves to make into a tea.

Then I'll dilute that 1 part tea to 100 parts water, and drink daily till gone :shock:

I gotta do something about this allergy thing..... it's time.


Lighter - digging around for image of my art (I file the same I plant - as the spirit moves me!) I found this drawing...

It's pages of a book I was doing on sage...

Thought you might like it...


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2008, 10:48:40 AM »
Lighter, are you serious about poison ivy tea??????

Lawd, I never knew about that.

Would not want to hear of your innards itching you to death...

Moss sounds very good. Furry rocks.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: BIG work in the yard yesterday
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2008, 10:52:08 AM »
Furry insides bad....

furry rocks, good.

I'm told this tea will build a tolerance to the plant....

not break me out.

Will see.