It was a lovely breezy day..... I pulled weeds, planted hosta, lillies and creeping jenny by the creek.
I picked up large pile's worth of limbs and sticks from the pine isles.
I snapped suckers from 35 or so large trees. I love doing that... wish I could have reached higher.
I weeded then picked up more sticks and debris.
I thought about the bon fires we'd make in the fall.
I scared a frog.... so glad to see one finally up and around.
I remember tad poles, big frogs and tiny tiny little frogs from my childhood.
I want that for my children.
Today, Moother's Day..... I pot tomatoes and pepper plants.
I finish planting hosta by the creek.
I decide whether to keep my big lovely ferns, planted years ago under my old porch, potted on the patio or planted on the shady bank.
I think I'll walk it over the neighbor's koi pond.... and plant them there.
My muscles are sore and it feels fine.
It's wet and overcast today.... perfect for planting.