Author Topic: Happy Children's Day  (Read 987 times)


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Happy Children's Day
« on: May 12, 2008, 11:04:08 AM »
The passing of mother's day caused me to reflect on the performance of my parents in their role as parents.

Starting with the physical I would give my parents a rating of 90%. To be honest they ensured that we were fed, clothed, sheltered, and in good physical health.

How important is our physical well-being to our overall selves?

I am certain that without their help I would have had a difficult time surviving. And such the family unit is our state of nature. Our parents provide for us when we are in most need. And my parents did this and for this I say thank you.

It is an important accomplishment because they gave us something that was outside of our power. They gave us the means to survive and because of their efforts we are here today.

But we are more than our bodies. We are also mind, emotion, and most importantly individuals. In this general area my parents probably scored 20%. They failed in this respect.

So, overall I give them a marginally passing grade and now propose to move on.

You see, I am no longer that child, and I am also much more powerful than I was as a child. I do not need my parents for physical survival and I certainly do not need them for my emotional, intellectual, or individual needs. All this is in my power and I need no longer cower at the futility of servitude but instead grasp the courage to control my domain.


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Re: Happy Children's Day
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 11:31:59 AM »
Yesterday I made it clear to my little one that it was only mother's day for me because he was here in this world.  Last year we went to an amusement park on mother's day.  I expect mother's day to be somewhat about him because without him I would not be a mother.