When I first saw this thread I thought I would wait and let others who know you better reply. My concerns are not with the age difference. But
everything else.
You have received very
wise and
loving replies.
I'm particularly fond of this creative one by Izzy:
I guess I don't need to say any more do I... It's over !! isn't it, ?
It seems our Creator gave us this warning system (The
red flag) build right in. Over the years I have ignored it sometimes, then lived to regret it. The codependent part of me wants to make excuses for the person. I want to be loved, I fear rejection. None of us
really want to be alone.
You have been advised to:
don't do anything yet, slow down, breathe, comfort yourself. They are all so right on!
You are blessed with friends here.As adults we tend to teach people how to treat us. I hope you will not teach him that he can dictate to you what you wear. That he can humiliate you in front of his family and friends and that you will take it. To use your money while you are left behind. That a simple sorry makes it okay.
Even though I lean with the --> Don't walk away -
RUN!I would just suggest you follow everyones advise and be gentle to your self, and slow down. He could be a great guy after all. But - I would certainly somewhat pull the reins back in on my heart strings. Watch and listen for more signs, all the while figuring out how down the road you are going to recover the large amount of money for
his trip half way around the world.
Right now just take one day at a time and use those days to
love yourself.