Ami, learning the truth and what his true intentions really were was the reason I finalized our divorce after 4 years of believing in his words that we could make it work out, we just needed a little more time. The we meant him and his other so, i knew nothing about,which was the real truths I began seeing, and why i finalized the divorce...dispite his continuing to deny her when I confronted him. I could tell and knew the truth by the way he acted when I did.
G28, Learning these truths took me a long, long tome, and now that I know, I can handle it and I will deal with it. It is what it is. Sadly, I don't have to prove the truths to my children, they already know the qualities and flaws of their father. They accept him as he is, and love him dearly. They enjoy being with him, seeing him and yes, they know who they can depend on and turn to no matter what they do or say or how they act...and that is me.
I am helping them to find their voices and their own way to use them in disagreement and choices with their father.
CH, I think I have always been the one who stood strong,and accepted taking the brunt of many things that happened....because someone had to and it just seemed easier for me to, so I never really questioned. You are right, I can't say that his demeanor is what changed, nore than likely having the truth slap me in the face helped.
GS, Sometimes the hardest thingis deciding to do what is right. Not legal, what the right thing is, and then following thru. I've never had much of a problem in this area, EXCEPT with my x. Now, he is no different, and I have no reason to show him any defference or exceptions when it comes to right from wrong. It is even more crutial.....and imperative.....for our childrens sake.
I do not believe in him as I used too, but I refuse to condemn and give up hope on him. I choose to believe he has goodness and can/will show his positive attributes and build on them, while accepting what he truly is capable of and who he really is.