I had a huge breakthrough. Many people may not understand if you have not read Alice Miller. However,I want to share it. James has had the courage to walk from point A to point B in a way I have never seen before.
I have never seen s/one "heal" before. I have heard many "words" and theories. I have a maasters degree in Counseling, BUT I have never seen true healing, where an "abused" person becomes "whole", centered, integrated.
I have never witnessed this in any of the people I have known, no matter HOW long they have been in therapy(even over 20 years)
Knowing him has changed my paradigm. I always felt hopeless about "real" healing. Now, I don't.You need s/one to help you who has been there and you need courage. With that,you can heal.
I want to tell you what happened . James helped me to be safe enough to retrieve the memory of my M molesting me. That required that I feel safe and loved, which I did or I could never have seen it.
After that, I looked at my M, with "truth". The truth was that she did not ''love'me. She shocked me as much as she could and would smirk and leer at me. I "wanted" to believe she loved me, but Alice says that I cannot lie and be healthy, so I faced it.
I was in so much psychic pain this week. My heart felt like it would break, literally. I stayed with it and just felt it. I started seeing my M, as she was. Her true self started forming in my mind, not the idealized self,which I "made" up b/c I wanted to(or had to).
It was very painful,but today I got insights which are life changing.
I saw how I always had to "punish" myself like overeat and get stomachaches or make things harder for myself.
*I* HAD to be bad or my whole idealized version of my life, with a "good "mother, would come falling down.
When I see her, as she is, I don't need to be "bad" anymore.
I am at the beginning of my journey back from "insanity".
I am not hopeless, anymore.
I SEE how I had to be the "bad" one. I had to keep up that edifice or I would see my M and I couldn't, but can now.
I am so grateful that James had the courage to heal and then show me. I really never expected to be 'whole' after all this time.
Twenty years ago,I had an impression, which promised me that I would heal, that I would be restored. I found God ,in the interim, and now I am finding my own core.
I am getting the best gift of my life,second to finding God. I am getting "myself".