The purpose of this entry, which I'm hoping won't piss too many people off, is simple...
I have read many of the entries and responses on this board. I have related to many and not so much to others. I've found that there are many intelligent people out there with much good advise to give. I just can't figure out why it seems there are so many of you spending more time bitching about the N in you life, instead of "getting on" with your own! There are many newcomers that truely are in the beginning stages of figuring it all out. But there are many that have known the "deal" for a while and send vibes that they're stuck in a place they don't seem to be able to get out of. It's just an opinion.
I hope I haven't come off rude or anything along those lines. That is not my intent.
I just want to remind everyone that I came to this site looking for help in healing and direction in MOVING FORWARD to a happier place.
I know you said your intent was not rude—I appreciate that. It was your opinion—here’s mine.
Though you may mean well, I found your entry presumptuous.
You may have come to the site looking for a happier place, but this site is what it is.You can stay or move on to a site that you feel is happier or suits you better.I'm saying that just factually and not in an angry way.
People heal at different rates and it can take many, many years of healing for some. Healing does not go like-- you are healed or not- period. It goes in phases. Sometimes you feel strong and good and don’t need to vent, other times you do.
Did you ever think that people are not talking about this in their lives or always thinking about it, have healed to a certain degree, and then just sometimes need to come to a place like this to vent a little? To heal a little more? That would be a good use for the board.
Everyone, in fact most, cannot wrap up a lifetime of abuse from an N-parent (especially if they still need to deal with them regularly) in a neat little package and move on so easily.
Don't get me wrong--your message of moving forward is a great one in general, but I disagree with the
way you have presented it. I hope it does not make people who need an “ear” and to do a little raw venting, feel self-conscious in doing so.
Yes, some people become stuck and it is really essential that they move on. But there could be many others that just need to vent and share what their pain was and what their N experience was, as the long path of their healing. You might assume someone is “stuck” and they are not at all.
This intermittent venting is an important part of healing and moving forward for many. It can be a good & healthy thing.
It isn't possible to paint all venters with such a broad brush, and be accurate. Can’t assume people are stuck because they are doing a fair amount of venting.As I said, this by itself is a healing and moving forward tool for some.
wouldn't have things to vent in having grown up with an abusive N parent, the one person who has the most influence on a child's mental and emotional well being.
For those
truly stuck at a certain place, I agree with you 100% that it is important for them to try to find ways to move forward on the healing path, but to me it is all in the
way things are presented. It can’t be said like the reformed smoker of 20 years now suddenly trying to convert all smoking friends to quit, with that annoying air of overconfidence, and spurning them when they can’t do it right away.
Patience is required, and for those that are truly stuck/lost and know it, the best thing you or anyone can do is let everyone know what has helped you move on, as you say.
I’m all for letting people be at their own pace, not
assuming someone is stuck in the healing process because of what they say (again, venting could be their greatest & most healthy healing tool) but offering all the support and non judgmental advice for moving on.
People will see it, and it will reach some.
There are plenty here who don't seem to be constantly "stuck" as you say, so you can always relate to those here that you feel a connection with, and respectfully let others be where they are, while sending helpful information that you have regarding moving on.
You can't have the whole board change though, because you have come along and are looking for a "happier" place.
Also, I think you will help more people if you share what you have learned in a supportive way only, rather than just blatantly telling them what they shouldn't be doing in our opinion, without any helpful info.