Author Topic: Emotional Stalking By Family Member  (Read 11786 times)


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Emotional Stalking By Family Member
« on: May 07, 2008, 02:32:46 PM »
my family member emotionally stalks  me she uses others to isolate me within social circles but will not discuss any issues she has directly .  I have only just realised she is narcissistic.  I was disorientated by the way she does it which is she gets people to befriend me or uses aquaintances to spill family matters about how I hate her or have abused her.  . Has anyone had experience like this with a family member with whom they are unable to communicate?  She stays very near socially and emotionally I feel.  But unable to open up and express direct anger towards me only by proxy.  I find I cannot talk to anyone about this.  Most of my friends have been approached by her and told how she is scared of me and how I abused her.  She is very cold and calculating and capable I think of poisoning or harming others if she can do it with out being detected.  She is very very skilled at manipulating people emotionally and socially.  She plans and executes revenge in various ways which i think is very different than acting in heat of moment or under duress. 
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 10:33:38 AM by midnightrose »


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Re: Emotional Stalking By Daughter
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 03:54:19 PM »
 I was a bad mother and did not see how damaged she was and I should have taken her  for counseling at a young age.  Looking back it is so clear.  She was dying inside from young age say five or six.  She couldn't cry or voice her pain.  Her way of coping became to act like normal and survive. 
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 10:31:07 AM by midnightrose »