Author Topic: Ground Rules  (Read 5019 times)


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Ground Rules
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2004, 01:34:21 AM »
Just chiming in...
I'd like to echo what Bunny has said.  We are free to read any posts here whether they be from a registered user or an anonymous guest.  Content is what we respond to, I would hope.  It is what I respond to.  Some issues posted here are dearer to my heart than others, and, as in real life I don't " like " everybody..and, as in real life, I am free to let them know it or not.  I have experimented with both..perhaps i've compromised and decided that since i'm an idealist I do not wish to confront people here, and if I do I try to keep a civil tongue.  My choice and my upbringing!  You guys wouldn't believe how "polite" I was brought up to be..nonetheless it's a comfort zone in which i've grown well...comfortable..I mean otherwise we start sounding like an episode of the Polite gofers for heaven's sake!

I like the concept of respecting one can still have respect for an adversary.  It's ok to fight fair..but why go the anger route?  I've still got lots of that..but not here, this is my support and sharing group NON? :wink:

I think we are all very intelligent ,as was said ,but above all I feel we are all in need of acceptance which allows our voices to  come to life.  Angry voices, disappointed voices, tired voices, abused voices..yet voices, to be heard; sometimes contested, approved or  disapproved of and challenged.
Support has nothing to do with being right or wrong but everything to do with being heard.

Ground rules?  Ask a question=receive an answer, Ask for feedback=receive feedback.

And of course courtesy ( the ability to put ones own needs aside to consider someone elses) and humility which in this context would be the ability to apologize when doing someone wrong, consciously or unconsciously, and the capacity to begin to deal with the truth about our true selves and situations..and forgiveness, because we all come from the same N hell hole. And generosity, not the imposed kind but rather the one that comes from the heart 'cos at whatever depth we're at, we've all got the ability to gently steer someone in perhaps the right direction.

So..I'm sounding sanctimonious huh?! :shock: Well..Yeah! hahahaha!  I'm allowing myself ok?!! :lol:

A moment of bliss has come and refreshing!  :D

Now I must return to my Bar-B-Q Fritos corn chips whilst rummaging through my "stuff" for a Prevacid, 'cos Bar-B-Q anything ultimately leads to heartburn. *BURP*..shoot  :shock: ...sorry.. :oops:
Sincerely and authentically,
Love to all.
Nic :D
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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Ground Rules
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2004, 08:15:16 AM »
Hi Nic:

And while were at it, I'm sorry Nic.

I'm sorry that I may have hurt your feelings back there and that I did not thank you for your respectful, kind words.

I think you are very insightful and honest and I admire you quite a bit.

I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.  I hope we won't always be--adversaries.



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Ground Rules
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2004, 03:48:38 PM »
The Nursery
Tempers can flare and people can get angry; not a lot we can do about that. But anyone who can't let an argument go after a day or two will have his entire thread moved to the Nursery.

This is from another board, but semes like a way to handle some threads that get carried away or too blazen and may run off posters just wanting to stick to a topic.


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Ground Rules
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2004, 03:53:41 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
The Nursery
Tempers can flare and people can get angry; not a lot we can do about that. But anyone who can't let an argument go after a day or two will have his entire thread moved to the Nursery.

I like it!!  :!:



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Ground Rules
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2004, 06:25:11 PM »
Me too.  I've given up on ever discussing my topic and I have no resentments about that.  I'll have to figger it out some other way.

Let's move on.

Bunny, do I need to appologize to you too?  I think I did but maybe not properly?

Aw well, you seem so level headed that I doubt  you are much of a grudge holder.

But just in case, I repeat my appology that I didn't respond to enough positive stufff.  Me, the person who professes to be basically positive.
Sorry Bunny.

Have a great week end.


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« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2004, 06:55:19 PM »
Why don't you just DO the things you apologize about instead of apologizing every five minutes. I don't need any apologies (yet).



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Ground Rules
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2004, 05:34:04 PM »
Bunny, being jewish, you should have included an "awready" to what you said..emphasis you know! :lol:
Yeah, Somebody...I can't remember what you should be apologizing me STOP apologizing every freakin' minute awready huh! ( a la Archie Bunker)..
And don't be tempted to apologize about having apologized to me either 'kay!
Just post and express yourself and we'll relate there!
All the best,
Nic  :)
*a la Dr.Evil*
All truth passes through 3 stages
First it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed,third,it is accepted as being self evident
-Arthur Schopenhauer


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« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2004, 07:34:07 PM »
Further to the discussion re: Guidelines and Anonymity -
I am grateful to be able to join the group informally.  I have not yet found my voice completely, and still seem to want to protect my nm from anything that might tarnish her image.  I know that sounds ridiculous, but, even though I am coming to terms with the reality of her NPD, I am trying to see her through to the end of her days, without any major confrontation.  However, by the same token, I truly need a safe place to be able to be Me, to grow, to learn more about NPD and to become strong enough to stand up to her, to find my voice, and to survive.
All this to say Thank You for allowing a Guest to visit this site, without having to disclose our home email, and thereby disclosing our identity.  Without this outlet, I fear I might become completely mute.
Thank You, Dr. G. et al.


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Ground Rules
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2004, 10:40:40 PM »
I think the board is fine the way it is. It's set up nicely and easy to read. And like someone else said - find greener pastures if it ain't workin' for ya. It's a choice to either read or respond or ignore or whatever. The large majority here are responsible posters imo. If you're concerned about someone using your name, then I guess registering makes sense. I don't guess many people would like to call themselves Nassim.....I've never liked my own name LOL. But if someone wants to steal it, go ahead and I can pick another better one!