Author Topic: Violating my own no contact promise  (Read 1931 times)

sea storm

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Violating my own no contact promise
« on: May 20, 2008, 11:32:40 AM »
I've been away from the board for a long time.  Lately, I have been slipping. More like plunging into no man's land.

My ex is back from another province. He continues to tell me that he loves me and that I am crazy to think that he lied to me. Part of me listens in fascination because before I would believe him and I want to make sense of it all. The other part of me knows that I am dancing with the devil and he has no conscience. He can be so convincing. He still does not have a job and lives off his mother who is very wealthy,. He lives with her.  So it does not seem so helpless, but really, he cant live on his own.

He continues to believe that I was insane and he nearly convinces me that it was all my fault and I was just delusional. Last time i talked to him I felt all that guilt and responsibility for everything again. I was right back to feeling helpless and overwhelmed.
This time though I snapped out of it and realize that I must have been masochistic to stay with him.  Everything he does is ok. He maintains a stable of women and that is ok. They are just friends. Mighty romantic ones but it does stay no touching. This is pretty hard to take, as you can imagine.

So I want to take some responsibiilty for throwing my life away on someone who just takes.  Very little reciprocity. And I got so used to it and finally addicted to such meager offerings.  I have to say that it was my choice to do this. OR do I? 

I want to move on but feel stuck on grieving this relationship.  He has such terrible contempt for me one minute and the next he says he loves me and  my soul and all that.

I need some straightening out and hope that you can help me get back on track.
Something changed and I could not get into the Voicelessness system. I am very backward about computers, but am here now.

I feel like the number one raving lunatic on the site today.

Sea storm


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 11:36:45 AM »
Well, Sea, if my NM were to give me a load of crap and tell me how she realized she was wrong and yada yada yada, I , too, would want to listen. It would be so amazing to hear those words. On the same hand, I would, like you, never buy it.

Sea, you know the score. You know what will happen if he is part of your life. He just can't stand to let go of what he considers 'his.' How long do you want to dance???? Is it preventing you fromfinding good in your life (I am betting it is).

Please talk away. Sometimes putting it all out on the table helps us see the whole ugliness.

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams

Gaining Strength

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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 11:42:07 AM »
Sea Storm - I am right there with you in terms of being a raving lunatic on the board.  I hear your strong voice.  You do know what you must do, you also know that it is very, very difficult to resist.  I am echoing what I am learning here but I believe that you can stick with that feeling of being sucked back into a relationship that is toxic until you can get to the origin of why you get sucked in.  Stay with that feeling and ride it to the source.

Does that make any sense.  I am doing that with some stuff in my life.  it is hard and it is painful but I must do it.


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 05:30:05 PM »
When he is being good, he is lying.

sea storm

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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 06:12:45 PM »

Those are the words I need to hear.

I have read everything I could find on Narcissism and hearing his perception of events I  had new lenses to understand.  He has done nothing wrong. It didnt happen that way and I must be nuts to think it had. Listening to him, he is so ariculate and intelligent and talking to me with such contempt.  If I would only capitulate and do things his way then life would be sweetness and light. But unfortuneately I have an anger problem and bi polar disorder and Im an abuser.  He sees me as a freak who is mentally  ill and loving it. Also that I hate myself so much I could never love anyone. ( That must have been projection.) Listening to him I become convinced he is right. This is gaslighting.  My perceptions are completely wrong and just off.  I cant begin to tell you how aweful this is.

I ended up saying that I loved him and hoped for peace some day. The truth  is I do love him like some kind of masochistic woman with no self esteem at all.  I can imagine how disgusting this sounds.  I am telling the truth about how I feel not what I think.  And it is my feelings that are running the show.

I know there is a connection between how my n mom treated me and how my ex treats me. the wonder woman in the next province has separated from him but still keeps him on a leash.  I am trying to be strong. He is so cruel and so off hand about it. Oh, there you are bleeding on the carpet again. Make sure its cleaned up before dinner. Im off to go skeet shooting ( But really to see his lady friend.).  HE says," Darn it. Youve got yourself upset again. You are having an episiode. I need a thousand dollars to fix the boom on the sail boat. I wont be home for dinner".  I am like  someone bewitched. The worse it is , the more desperate I become. I just have to fight that.

As for following my feelings to the source. I sort of understand that comment but it is very difficult when dealing with unconscious forces. This must be oedipal , object relations or something like that. It is over my head. I do no contact but I guess I need to nourish myself more.

All thoughts appreciated.  Are you sure he is lying?  HE is academy award winning if so.  The fact tell the story. SOme of you know my story.

I am glad to be back on the board. I have been having anxiety attacks over this.  Fortuneately, my work life is going well and my lhouse is ok and I can pay the mortgage. I made some good friends who it is ok to have feelings with. There is lots to be thankful for and I am moving ahead. Sometimes I get so horribly lonely and stressed from my job though.  This last year I have just tried to pay him out and keep my house and go to work. Just that has been exhausting.  If I get too tired or too stressed I seem to go to hell in a handbasket.

Anyone who feels like this please add your comments.  Thanks,

Sea storm


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2008, 07:43:47 PM »
I don't mean lying factually.  I mean lying in what he is getting you to believe, with the truth and the facts kind of twisted around into a bizarre version of themselves.  Also, his motives are what is hiding behind the words and the spin.  His motives are completely self-serving at others' expense. 

Gaining Strength

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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2008, 08:47:01 PM »
As for following my feelings to the source. I sort of understand that comment but it is very difficult when dealing with unconscious forces.
Just ignore that suggestion.  I hope someone will offer something here that will be helpful.  Meanwhile i just want to say that you are figuring things out and your understanding is going to help you.

I know that there was a lot of stuff going on between my husband and me.  Because of so much of his abandonment he developed significant issues and could be quite abusive.  Had he lived I don't know what would have happened.  Had he disappeared and come back now I would know and understand so much more.  But i don't believe I fell in love with him because he could be so difficult but because we shared so much in common that was positive in addition to the commonalities that were of the dark side. IOW, you may love him for good reasons but be drawn to him for the dark reasons.  I believe the two can coexist.  I just hope that you can get some clarity about what you need and what you want and some space if you chose that.  Love to you (used to be Gaining Strength)


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2008, 09:34:19 PM »
Sea Storm, don't need him.

You really don't.

You are clear's just surface habit that lets you respond to the magnet like an iron filing.

But you've weathered more than this.
And he is no hypnotist.

How about every time he starts up and you feel off balance, excuse yourself to the bathroom and immerse your face in a sinkful of very cold water? Tell yourself that every time your skin touches that cold water you are reminding yourself of the clean truth, the clean air for your mind, the clean water for your soul that ultimately will cleanse you of any compulsion to crawl under the fog.

You can see clearly now. You can waken yourself.

Much love and strength,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2008, 11:00:38 PM »
Dear Sea Storm,
 I am so glad to see you, again. My heart goes out to you. I can "hear" that IS unconscious FOO patterns being replayed, but it seems very real and present -day(IME)
 I can hear your pain and I have been there, Sea.  Sending you love , friend.        Ami

(((((((((Sea Storm))))))
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

sea storm

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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2008, 11:09:26 AM »
Thankyou dear friends,

I take in what you say and get back on track.  I feel stronger after this last trip back into the nightmare.  This contact was initiated because we share a line of credit and it is in both our names.  I don't have the money to pay it off and I am trying different options to do this. He threatened to get back on the mortgage of the house if I don't do it immediately. He would rather pay a lawyer than cooperate over this. He comes down on me like a hammer and it takes the breath out of me. I grew up with a cruel and violent older brother like this. I see how similar they are.

So I was blind-sided by this ...... warlike attack. i got so scared, I was like a blithering idiot. Trying to appease him so that he would not take the farm and being extra nice so that I would not get him any angrier.  This is not a good place to be let me tell you.  I had to suck up to someone who has hurt me a lot. I am figuring out a way to pay him off. At first I felt just pole-axed.

Cripes what a mess.  When the smoke settled I had the resources to step by step get out of the mess. I have a friend who listens and cares, I am respectd at work.  These are good things.  However, I found myself trying to appease my offender.  I have to look long and hard at that and where that comes from.  I see so many connections with my childhood.  It was the only way to survive.
There is so much shame for me when I have to beg for mercy.

It is a new day and one step at a time I will move on.

Much love,

Sea storm


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2008, 11:49:03 AM »
Oh, Sea.
Boy can I relate.

Is it possible for you to visit Legal Aid or some such organization and get some legal advice?

Nothing backs down a bully better...

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2008, 12:11:58 PM »
Wow, Sea. He is doing whatever he can to draw you in. I vote with Hops - try to find some outside group that can give you a loan to free you from this sick man. You need to get away, or he will do whatever he can to see you hurt. Please keep writing here to let us know how you are doing and if we can help support you.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Violating my own no contact promise
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2008, 01:02:53 PM »
Hi Sea,

Your not alone and your feelings, thoughts and fear has been shared by  many of us here, including myself. Please remember all you have learned.  I'm not so sure that when I sat and listened it was any different.  You see We Loved them even if it was not returned.  It was an unbearable pain to find out that you lived a lie and was loving someone not available and the cruelest of human kind who Off and leaves you Wounded alone.  I think for me although I knew it was over I was left with a bleeding heart not so much that he didn't love me anymore but that I was in love with a predator.  A predator!!!!!!!!!  I was tricked and had a knife in my back that he twisted on his way out.  You don't expect these things out of a person that is Family. Being around someone without a conscious is difficult for anyone.  You have to wrap your thinking around that.  Embrace that.  Take that deep into your very soul.
No conscious.  They are machines.  They just operate to survive.  They will take out anyone to get what they need.  They think of no one.  This Sea, your ex, saying he loves you is just another drive by to damage your soul.  Drive By.  Remember that. 

I don't think that at least for me that I looked for my ex to love me again or believe he loved me (somewhere in confusing of my human mind and my human emotions)  I just wanted validation I was Wounded and he was the Criminal.   I wanted a real validation of I tried to destroy you emotionally..
And you know someone with no conscious will ever feel that. They may say it but it's not real.  Remember the man you loved was not him.  You were in love with an image and when the real person showed up he was a monster!  A soul sucking monster.

It's alright.  I loved a monster too!  I didn't know either for a long time.  Although I was away from him for years, no contact, I was still very damaged and took years of healing (emotionally).   Emotional abuse is no joke.  It's not easy to just get over it.

So you had to appease your offender.  I did too.  Made me sick to become so vulnerable.  But did you?  No I don't  believe so.  You did what you had too.  Your getting yourself into a safe position.  You seen anger, you saw a threat and you acted on your best interest (you) you calmed him, you gave him what he needed, FOR NOW, to get you to a safer place with your home.  It's alright.

You see Sea this is a Game. It's check Mate right now. Although we don't want to play (we have to make the next move) when called on it.  I think you did the right thing and I'm sorry because I know first handed that you want to throw up about your move, your begging, but it was only to clam the storm, give you time and stand off your attacker.  It is no different then if we were physically attacked, we would try to talk ourself out of it.  Appeal to our attacker to not attack.  Get away safely.  This is what you did. You are self protecting. You are not weak. I think what you did was rather, Strong and Smart. You acted, as you, had to at the moment. Alright that moment is over. Next!

Now do as Hops says:  Get an attorney!  Get him out of your life totally house and all.  He is a SOUL SUCKING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!   You owe him nothing.  He holds a contract over you, kind of like, the Devil.  Break all ties.

Send him straight back to hell where he has always lived.
