The worst thing is that when you try and talk about it and find support, nobody believes these kinds of things actually happen.
It is the worst. The original insanity by the other person is bad, very bad. But when so called "normal" people cannot see the truth staring them in the face, spitting on them, that insanity somehow trumps the other.
For me, I got some validation from my therapist, but I could always, ALWAYS, rationalize that I was paying him to support my thoughts. (Of course me late husband planted that in my mind. He feared my therapist out of his own paranoia, not out of experience or fact and so had to belittle him and his support and encouragement.)
But it is here, finally, at long, long last, I have found some people who are courageous enough and tired enough of experiencing the same thing and who are willing to stand up and say - these people are crazy and abusive and wrong. I have been very surprised at the support I have found here. It has taken me two long years to believe it and receive it. I have sought it so many places and been sucked in to believing I had found it before in places such as al-anon and yet - once I got sucked in, I got socked in the belly again. But here I can connect to those who are healing and simply disconnect from those who sock me in the belly (metaphorically.)
I hope you can find the same thing here - true understanding and solid validation. You deserve it. We all deserve it.
All my best to you Darren - yours, Shame Slayer, (getting stroner every day thanks to supportive souls on VESMB.