Author Topic: Just an observation  (Read 1075 times)

Certain Hope

  • Guest
Just an observation
« on: June 10, 2008, 02:40:33 PM »
Re: Been out of commission
« Reply #10 on: Today at 12:19:21 PM »   

Hi Cat
 Just checking in. I hope your burden is lighter, too, as mine is .Don't forget to leave time to for  finding Peace.
      Multiple Blessings to you,   Ami
« Last Edit: Today at 12:21:50 PM by Ami » 

« Reply #6 on: Today at 10:10:15 AM »   

Dear Changing
 I hope the burdens get lighter and you are Finding Peace.              Sending Blessings to You,  Ami

« Last Edit: Today at 11:15:44 AM by Ami » 

« Reply #8 on: Today at 12:00:41 PM »   

. It was so neat that that delightful Cat's Paw came back this week ,also.
MY burden is lighter,much lighter .      Multiple Blessings,   Ami

« Last Edit: Today at 12:03:16 PM by Ami » 

I don't know what others think when they read this little collection of posts,
but I get the distinct impression that I'm supposed to think that
Lighter and Cat's Paw and Finding Peace are all the same person.
And maybe Changing, too? 

I'm locking this thread because it's only an observation, and if Dr. Grossman wants to delete it, that's his call.

I just think that it's becoming more and more clear...
you don't even need any actual "trolls" to disrupt a forum.
All it takes is one or a few folks bent on accusing others of being trolls.
