How do you define "healed"?
I've been searching for some clinical definition of this, and the ONLY thing I've come up with so far is this:
" You just don't think about it much, anymore ".
OK, I can buy that as part of a definition; and I think there's a lot of value in that simple statement. But it got me thinking that each of us probably has very personal definitions - involving goals, hopes & dreams... so I wondered if we could collectively come up with a definition. No rush - I'm still chewing on this, too. In fact, I think the more time we take to reflect on this - what do I think qualifies as "healed" for me - the closer we'll get to a more universal definition.
Love to hear what you all think... what your definitions are.
I think healing takes place when we've transcended our pasts....and begin living in the moment.
Not living with our hearts and minds turned to the past.
unfinished heartbreak, forever tapping us on the shoulder....
setting the tempo of our lives.
Driving us to make the same unhappy choices, over and over again....
leaving us in a very familiar postion....
stunned and in pain....
confused after trying so hard to make better choices.
And yet.... there we are again.
When we've put appropriate boundaries in place.....
can fully and consistently enforce them.....
no matter how loud the tapping becomes....
we're healed?
To do that... IMO.....
we have to let the ghosts have their say, let them scream about their pain....
roll around messily in the light.
Even though we feel we can't survive it.
And maybe we can't.
Maybe part of us doesn't make it through the fire.
The part that used old coping mechanisms, and couldn't move beyhond?
we acknoweldge the tapping......
the sadness......
sink deeply into it then.....
give up all hope.
That sounds even darker than
just surviving.
I sounds like not surviving.
So dark.
Like that path would lead us deeper, not into the light.
After all..... we don't have anything to replace our coping strategies with.
So.... that leads to researching alternatives and making new selections.
Putting them in place while breaking lifelong habits.
Lots of discomfort and pain but without the pain there's no motivation to change, is there?
Walking through the fire, on purpose, doesn't seem like it would lead to serenity, on the face of it.
But that's my definition of healing and restoring the soul.
Living in the moment and making happy choices, bc we feel we deserve happiness.
Still not sure about all that.
I haven't thought it through as deeply as you have, Amber.
For me.... it's been the same definition for a long long time.
Thanks for this thread.