Hi Sweetie-
I don't fancy "Changes" either, but I finally got my internet restored, and unfortunately I am not a wizard like you are ( a dummox really but I want to learn more), so hopefully after the OSC next week, I will figure things out and resume my proper identity.
My Frankenfoot is doing well, actually. I have been able to modify my activities lately, and the cold weather has vanished ( I still don't have a heating system, just a space heater) I haven't had the money for physical therapy but am returning soon. The neck and arm and hand have been swelling and have been so painful- I have had cortisone shots in the elbow, epidurals in the back, splints on the hand, meds, blah, blah, blah- Little by little I am becoming a total monster with my many devices, it looks pretty funny when I have my gear on - it's all on one side! If I see a cute man, I guess I should turn the good side hois way and press the Franenstein side to the wall!!!
1L is the infamous 1st year of Law- a crucible of sorts, but so much was going on its hard to sort out where the stress originated- Bagworm or IRACs (a form of writing analysis- Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion)
The Izzyfied life is sweet- I too have been going a great deal to the library ( though I recently got a call that Bagworm is not only stiffing his creditors, but has not returned 4 books, and of course is still using my address and phone number!!!) There are many great things there, but the budget has dried up, and nothing much of recent vintage can be found- but I have had to go cold turkey as far as the bookstore addiction. Do you think I should get rid of my millions of books? That would be a challenge- I love to read them many times, and again after a number of years!!!
I have gotten myself some useful technological items- a tiny lightweight but amazing HP printer and and fabulous HP copy and fax machine- very portable , beautiful printing, fast and nice. It was only about $100 - a lot for me at this point, but paid for itself quickly and is easy, easy, easy to use, with the promise of many features that I haven't mastered yet! I once drove to the school with my laptop and printer beside me (both on batteries) connected, with the printer printing on the seat (I had to turn something in by a specific time and just barely made it!)
As to my former lawyer- something went wrong, that is for certain- I think his recent flurry of professional activity and excellence is in part a defense to possible malpractice claims to be made by me (I am not even thinking about that now), as well as his looking up my current attorney when he received the substitution docs. She subs as a judge, etc and is on the short list to become one permanently. She saw immediately though that the work had not been done and that I was desperate to save my case, and says that the default can be easily remedied, so I don't think she would be fooled. Anyway, the major trauma is the divorce and fraud from the Bagworm- I am glad to be free from agonizing about the former lawyer, and amused by his "Enjoy The Screaming" memo to my new counsel- no longer afraid that she will be influenced against me.
That image of the styker frame, a crucifixion-you have emerged and refashioned yourself into a lovely and fiercely free new creature, who can fly above the others instead of being tied down by their head trips and machinations . Every time I understand a part of your method and incorporate it, it really revs up my life and happiness! As far as writing a book, I think your natural style is infectious, real and compelling, so any gussying would spoil it. You have so much to say and your wake up call would be a real service and so unique in a wasteland of pop psychology and gooey,disgusting pap. I thought the first book would be finished by now, and even though I don't watch TV, I would hear about your promoting your vicious best seller!!!
Love You,
Changing, Changes ????