Hi Izzy,
To be honest I had no idea either and felt 'blinded by science'
I speak plain and straightforwardly for all to understand (as best anyone can with my scribe! ... hee hee).
Always open to clarification.
However, I did look up this big word on google ..... which left me as clear as mud [as the saying goes] (no connection with our dear mudpuppy)
Result of my googling:
Asynchronistic Parallelism in the Process for self-assembly of structures in a liquid
Seemingly then, I was on the right track with the science bit!
Love, Leah
Then I found the following:
Learning and Teaching Methods: On campus and out-centre programmes, theoretical and conceptual material is introduced to participants by short tutor directed inputs and is reinforced through discussion, practical exercises and directed reading. Alternatively, participants are asked to read material prior to class in preparation for participation in discussion. In seminars and tutorials participants apply this learning to their own professional context and share their reflections. Those engaged in on-line programmes are introduced to theoretical and conceptual ideas through structured reading material and asked to share their reflections and application to their working context through engaging in an asychronistic on-line discussion forum.
maybe it is not sychronized with being parallel to someone else's post on this board?
then two people posted the same idea but at different times using different words? You're on the right track, Izzy.