I found a really good, but lengthy article that was from a conference, and found the exact paragraph I remembered. I'll come back later and try putting in the link. ( I've still never attempted to do that, and I still two-finger type. I need to write down copy and paste directions and have them by my side until I practice a few times. Thanks again to those of you in the past offering directions. )
In the footnotes at the end of the article, it seems the Inner Ring is mentioned in many places in Lewis' works.
CB - Great to hear from you ! Yes, ring, not circle. Thanks !
Leah - I enjoy thunderstorms, too , but the power was going on and off !
Carolyn - I'll come back and share, but these links CB and TT so kindly provided will be a good start. If you haven't read anything by
Lewis, I'll bet you'd really enjoy him.
TT- I hadn't gotten back to respond to you when you wrote on another thread, but thank you. I know your heart does under-
stand. I might have missed any updates, and if I have, or- if you haven't wanted to say, please feel free to ignore this next
question, but I have been wondering- How is your mom ?
Lighter - I know you're really into the Meyers-Briggs stuff currently, but I'll bet you'd really enjoy Lewis as well, especially those
excerpts that TT provided the link to. I'm in crunch time as well, I need to clean, sort, and start packing.
Off to do some 3D work !!
cats paw