Last night, while relaxing in my living room, I heard door bell. Not expecting anyone I decided not to answer the door. My three roommates and I live in a 3 unit gated condo. In order for someone to gain entrance to our unit they have to be buzzed through the main gate which is three floors down. Once they climb the three flights of stairs then they have to be let through our apartment door.
Well, last night, it was my roommates ex-BFD who rang the bell. Somehow he gained access into the building and made his way up to our door which he began knocking on. My gut told me not to open the door, I asked who it was he told me he was looking for my roommate. I went to get my roommate, she told me not to let him in and to tell him that she was not home.
My roommate is very cool, I trust her completely. We have been living together for over 4 years and have never had a conflict. I cannot even think of any major issues ever between the two of us.
Feeling protective of my roommate I opened the door and told her exBFD to leave, in a gentle way, he started crying. My heart naturally went out to him, but I still had to respect my roommates request.
He asked if he could come in and stay in my roommates bedroom until she returned, I found that odd and very disrespectful, even if they were not on bad terms.
He refused to leave, or move, and or leave the hallway. I finally just had to shut the door.
A few minutes later my roommate appears to tell me what had happened. She has only been dating this guy for about 4 months. She told me that he was being critical of her as well as he was controlling. She tried to leave his apartment last week, he grabbed her arm and became physically violent with her. She had bruises all over her arm.
She was freighted, I could see that much, she also seemed a bit traumatized.
Her and I were trying to figure out what steps we could take to protect the apartment as well as to protect her.
We have thought through a restraining order, but only as a last resort. I sent an email out to the other roommates to lock down the apartment like fort Knox and not let anyone in unless they know who it is.
Hopefully, he will get over it.