Oh, Iz... I also thought you said the young doc was taking over your case... as though the N'ish character was finally treating you with dignity and respect on his last appt. with you !
Ack - well, now that does present a number of new possibilities.
So the oldie switched gears - because it's important to him to appear to be personable with his patients in front of a resident?
Since it's always, only about appearance, was he trying to impress you or the young'un? Oh, no - as you said, I bet it is because he's able to take his work seriously enough that he didn't want to mislead the young doc re: your treatment. Yes, they usually are able to do one thing well and with precision. Just one thing.
I'll be interested to hear the next installment...
How will Doc Oldie present himself to you at your next visit? Will he be back to phonified grinch-mode?
And what might transpire if you were to ask him, next visit, whatever became of that charming young resident, in whose career you are most interested?
lol... so many possibilities!
But it sounds like you're all wrapped up for awhile, everything tested and zapped. That's a blessing.
And are you free now from concern re: clots, etc?
I get the sense that it's safer to just let it ride at this point?
Sorry if I'm being dense on that, just want to be sure to understand.
Wouldn't want to mis-read a legend, after all
