Author Topic: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~  (Read 2251 times)


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Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« on: June 16, 2008, 08:14:12 PM »
Hi all

I expected N-ism after I learned what it was. His 'put-down' remarks as though I ought to know better re a health issue....that only a doctor would know.

He would say to me, after a question, "Oh I'm not interested in that.."

He also knew the N, and was very disrespectful as long as I 'stayed' but I was never able to say that I could not finda place to live!!!!!

Today a resident was there, a very handsome young gentleman who has been there about a month and he was taking over my case today.

But first, my doctor praised me to the high Heavens (to the resident), that I was lovely woman and I was very bright, could speak quite fluently about my issues.

I have never seen him as personable as he was today, and he's been my doctor for 10 years.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"

Certain Hope

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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 08:19:50 PM »
Well, isn't that strange!

That doctor was intimidated by you... your intelligence and wit, Izzy?

That's what I'm guessing.

How like N to treat you like dirt when you're depending on his help, but then refer to you in glowing terms to someone else... as N's love to drop names of important/unique/special folks to glory in their associations!

Wow, Iz -  you are a legend in that man's mind  :D



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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2008, 09:18:35 PM »
Eek, Izz.

I've begun to notice the thread running through so many situations where ugliness like this is played out.

The words that come to mind are...




scary people in positions of trust and authority

Not that you are vulnerable or dependant but....

you're in a somewhat vulnerable position whe you're relying on your medical doctor to help you.

I've been threatened by a doctor, that he'd leave my father without any care at all.... if I didn't pipe down.

At the time, I was sitting on my father's chest, holding him down bodily, trying to keep him from getting out of bed and killing himself.

The doctor didn't want to help us with that....

or the underlying post op brain swelling, causing the situation. :shock:

I felt his response was egregious and I had trouble with the fact that I was dependant on him and vulnerable.... was being threatened with accepting that my father might die in front of me, but I was charged with letting it happen silently.


Ummmm... sorry about that rant.

I'm glad you have a new doctor, in any case. 

I hope he's talented...

I know he'll love you: )



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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2008, 09:29:24 PM »
Whoooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooo

a Legend?????????????????

I'm happy, Carolyn, that you could see this. It was so obvious to me all the while and finally, as he switched gears, I think I heard the truth, which I might never hear again.

How friggin' interesting it was today! He talked more openly about issues when he returned to the room, as he had to, because I was alone (whoo..... alone and ½ naked with a young man!!!) and talked openly with the resident.

What came out today about my leg..... is that a tib/fib break is a bad one (I read that on the Internet). I also read about what can happen to bones that are incompletely set, deformity caused by improper casts and also blood clots and death.

I read all that and then was concerned about my legs not matching? How vain of me!

Rebreaking my leg is a dangerous choice, since I made it through this first break, so this is when I ought to be grateful!!

Wow! I am through with pap smears, breast checks, my BP is fine, my cancerous (pre-) have been zapped again, but this time he was honest with me and that I don't need zapping every visit. He said that in front of his resident, but had told me I needed the liquid nitrogen every visit.

I feel so calm, so much better, and I caught my N-doctor having to tell the truth so a young resident would not to be misinformed.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2008, 09:39:30 PM »
I'm glad you have a new doctor, in any case. 

I hope he's talented...

I know he'll love you: )

Ohhhh Nooooooo, Lighter

I don't have a new doctor.

My N doctor was instructing a resident today and has been for a month and will be longer but the resident will be gone by my next appointment.

I like the young man. He didn't ask me anything stupid, and I did offer information that might help.

He asked about bladder and bowels.!!!!! The bain of my existence!! I said, "I have been constipated for 39 years......and that this is when you ought say to me. " You are full of sh*t!"

I feel that I was looked after and cared for, today!!


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2008, 09:52:42 PM »
Looked after and cared for is a good feeling.

BTW.... on the constipated part.

Flax seeds.

Have you tried them?

Sprinkled on cereal... mmmmm.

Added to stuff so you can't even tell it's there.

You can buy them ground up, or whole or get the oil..... maybe they'd help ya like they helped my friend?

We were just talking about this today and she said it freed her from a lifetime of contstipation.  :o


Certain Hope

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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2008, 09:55:02 PM »
Oh, Iz... I also thought you said the young doc was taking over your case... as though the N'ish character was finally treating you with dignity and respect on his last appt. with you !

Ack - well, now that does present a number of new possibilities.

So the oldie switched gears - because it's important to him to appear to be personable with his patients in front of a resident?

Since it's always, only about appearance, was he trying to impress you or the young'un? Oh, no - as you said, I bet it is because he's able to take his work seriously enough that he didn't want to mislead the young doc re: your treatment. Yes, they usually are able to do one thing well and with precision. Just one thing.

 I'll be interested to hear the next installment...

How will Doc Oldie present himself to you at your next visit?  Will he be back to phonified grinch-mode?

And what might transpire if you were to ask him, next visit, whatever became of that charming young resident, in whose career you are most interested?

lol... so many possibilities!

But it sounds like you're all wrapped up for awhile, everything tested and zapped. That's a blessing.

And are you free now from concern re: clots, etc?  
I get the sense that it's safer to just let it ride at this point?

Sorry if I'm being dense on that, just want to be sure to understand.

Wouldn't want to mis-read a legend, after all  :D



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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2008, 11:27:05 PM »
Wouldn't want to mis-read a legend, after all    :D

That gave me one hell of a good chuckle, Carolyn.

You were right on target, interpreting my post.!! Right on....  "because it's important to him to appear to be personable with his patients in front of a resident?"

and to finish what you questioned...Yes! I believe it is safer to not have my leg rebroken. I've read weird things on the Internet and my Doc was more honest with me in the presence of the resident, about deformities and blood clots. My leg is out of sync but it is not 'deformed', as some pictures I saw in ther Internet.

He was also more honest about the cancer spots, some pre-cancerous and said that I don't need them 'burned' every visit. (whereas he had said before that he would burn them every visit!)

My next visit will be interesting!

You were not dense: you read it all quite well!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"

Certain Hope

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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2008, 11:33:02 PM »
Yay  :D and Hurrah  :D !!!   

I have cracked the Izzy - Code!!  lol

Whew, was startin to fear that I'd killed off one too many brain cells, back in the bad ole days!  Sometimes I really do wonder  :o
But I'm tickled pink to have interpreted correctly and caused a chuckle...
you've made my day, too, Iz.

And for what it's worth, I wouldn't have my leg re-broken. Just wondering whether you should maybe be on blood thinners to prevent any potential clotting?

And also, my dad's had alot of those skin spots on his face and the VA doc just watches them - to a certain point - before he lasers them off.

Let us know when you're due to return, okay?
Looking forward to the next report!



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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2008, 11:52:20 PM »
I have cracked the Izzy - Code!!  :o   :lol:  :lol:   :lol:  :lol:    :lol:

Another good one, Carolyn.

I believe if a blood clot were to come, it would be within the first month of breakage, so I am okay.

I go every 3 months for my prescriptions. Next is Sept. 8. I asked for 3 months less a week, as there are times I don't get out to the drugstore, but that is mainly in winter....not a worry now...just practising.

No! I do not need blood thinners.

My mother, in a wheelchair, alone, fell in the bathroom, broke her leg, was a while being picked up as she had the phone upside down (80 yrs. old) She was to be home at the end of the month, but a blood clot made her have to stay for another 6 years, until she died.

About rebreaking my leg, I have just informed anyone interested that I have checked all possibilities. I'm certainly not chicken! They could take a sledge hammer to it. I wouldn't feel the pain. I might grimace at the 'crack' though!

Have you known about the disease of being born not feeling any pain? Pain is a sign you are alive and hurting. The book talked about little babies chewing their fingers off, right to the nub, and don't feel a thing.

What a book!


"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"

Certain Hope

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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2008, 12:02:32 AM »
I'm glad to know you've cleared the danger-stage for clotting, Iz.

My oldest daughter had to stay on cumadin (sp?) for months following her gi surgery, because a clot developed afterward. She has Crohn's... but she's doing very well now, health-wise.

Good to allow that extra week for leeway on your Rx's... I understand & that's how I plan things out, too, when it's something important like that.
I sure hope to be tuned in this Sept. for the update!!

Yes, I've seen a Discovery Health program about that no-pain disease. Horrible. I've also read about N's and others who were so disconnected from their inner selves that they didn't recognize when they were hurting. To be so effectively blocked off from the inner life... very sad indeed.
There was a time when I couldn't recognize hunger, I remember...
and I don't ever want to return to that condition!

We had some tremendous storms here yesterday evening and I was scared spitless... and I thought of that, even with the fear... how it's a sign of the desire to live, an indication of recognition of how much you have to lose... and I thought - hey, that's a good thing. A distinct improvement from where I used to be.

Love to you, Iz,


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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2008, 12:38:08 AM »
Carolyn.... to be out of touch with our bodies.... not good.

Glad the storm brought a positive viewpoint.... even if you were scared spitless during.

How did your d get better with the crohn's disease?

I have a friend who can eat only hot dogs, coke and cheap orange juice, no pulp, to keep his tummy from going wonkey with it.


Certain Hope

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Re: Now I know my Doctor is an N~~~
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2008, 12:45:05 AM »
Thanks, Lighter...  still took alot of the day today to finish calming down.

Riding passenger to new-driver-daughter didn't do much to settle my nerves, either... lol.

Eldest had surgery last spring for her Crohn's... she was all knotted up, intestinally.

She's supposed to watch her diet closely, but I don't think she does... and I know she still drinks...
so I'd say she's living on grace at the moment.
Still smokes, too.

On the plus side, her life is a lot less stressful since her abusive ex has calmed down somewhat.
He's still a pain, but not such an imminent threat.
She's had a rough life... but is a tough cookie. Stubborn, too.

I need to ask her again about her current dietary restrictions and next scheduled checkup.
As a live-in-the-moment person, I don't usually hear about those things until they're urgent.
