I know that many people want to kick me off the board. It registers .I know it.
My point in bringing this up is that I have a goal for my voice which has nothing to do with any of YOUR opinions of me.
My goal is to be able to stand alone, if need be, with me.
That has been my goal,since 14, when I lost it.
It is my goal, now.
If people think they can drive me away with hatred, they can't.
It is NOT hatred for me, anyway.
It is YOUR hatred ,inside you.
You will always try to drive s/one off b/c it is YOU.
That is not the point. My goal is the point and I wanted to state it for the record and so no one has any great hopes that thier pettiness will get me to go.
Ami, what I have to say is difficult for me, so I hope that you honor my attempt to speak directly and plainly to you.
I WANT you to have your voice. I don't want to silence you. I don't think anyone does.
I only ask, that you stop trying to silence the people who
you ASK to help you, when they make observations that you apparently don't want to accept or acknowledge. Stop accusing them of acting out toward you; of hating you... and take responsibility for the feelings you feel. They can help you heal.
Over and over, you've started conversations and when someone doesn't follow your "rules" - they are instantly made the bad guy. This is abusive, Ami; I've lived through it before - as you probably have.
Your true voice doesn't look for someone to blame... your true voice accepts and is responsible for your own feelings. Your true voice, accepts help where ever and however it's given - if your true voice, really WANTS help.