Hi Bean,
I have done many hours of work on this issue since our communication in December. As you probably know, I have real time access to where everyone on the board moves from second to second. I also have access to IP address—often that indicates what company/service people are using. I also know that the major U.S. providers (Comcast, Verizon, Roadrunner, Bell South, etc.) would not allow people to use their IP addresses as free proxies—(there are, however, other US proxies). Let us take a situation where two people move on the message board to two different places at the exact same second. Let us suppose one is using one major provider, and the other, another major provider. Let us also assume that one line shows up as a DSL line in a particular state and one line shows up as a cable connection in another state. Even if you could explain through some ingenious strategy how someone managed to wrestle a proxy out of a major provider, the person would have to 1) guess randomly that I was watching their movement on the site at that very moment, 2) have two computers, and 3) manage to land on two different places on the Board at the very same moment—all to fool me (who is probably not watching) into thinking they were indeed two different people. (If they tried this repeatedly, of course, the pairing would show up in the logs, and I would become suspicious—it hasn’t) In my estimation, the odds of such a scenario happening is close to nil. That is why I said I was “certain” of the unique identities of the people in question.