I learned patience in the Rehab Hospital.
It was gym and arm exercises every day and nothing seemed to change, but then one day I looked back and realized a lot had changed, so I kept it up and was eventually on my feet, without leg braces and was ambulating with crutches. That is really something after total paralysis.
At 6 months the DR. said that was the average time spent there and it was time for me to go home.
I had a voice then, I see, as I said to him,
"I have no home. I have yet to learn how to 'walk'' up and down stairs. I have yet to learn how to put a 'chair into a car. I have OHIP (our Provincial Insurance) and you are being paid as well as everything else concerning me is covered by OHIP. I refuse to leave now!"
I was there for 3 more months learning how my muscles worked for things, other than lying in a gym, weight lifting with my legs.
I was injured June 7, and I set a date to be out before my DD started school! Nope!
Then it was Thanksgiving! Nope
Then it was Christmas! Nope
Then it was Easter! Nope.
Then it was my Birthday/her birthday (6th)! Nope
It was June 5th..........2 days short of a year!
What helped was setting a goal, and even though I didn't reach it, I was not deterred. I was patient and set another goal!