OK, this story is really about my daughter -
I said previously, that I detest being in crowded shops with all kinds of negative people, yelling kiddos, and just overall mayhem, right?
So... Hol & I are Christmas shopping, in JC Penney. Just bought a couple of big fluffy pillows when someone turned up the nasty, loud, obnoxious button to a degree that made me start to shake. She noticed - and picking out the meanest, rudest nastiest person - she flings the pillows on the floor - herself on top and slides right into him - WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Then, she got up, picked up the pillows and ran for the door saying in her voice that carries over any noise (too much mosh-pit experience): Merry Christmas, to all... Assholes! and then out the door.
I was soooooooooo embarrassed, but I was also laughing so hard I could barely see the door for the tears! No one knew she was with me or that she covered my discomfort and even made it go away....
Granted - she herself could be considered "out of order" and these days - I'm surprised they didn't hold her for assault. But it sure had an effect on everyone who saw/heard her - I wasn't the only one laughing myself silly and the previous tension was completely gone. We describe this daughter as "a force of nature".