Hello Pink Dragon,
Welcome. Isn't it sort of sadly wonderful to finalize realize what the real issue is?
First, forget about trying to convince him he has a problem. The catch is, these people live in a world where they are perfect and no one else is. "I'm OK and you're not." Telling him he has a problem is proof of your wrongness and reinforces his conclusion of perfection. It's a bug in the computer programming. It goes round and round and you can't fix it, sad to say.
The good news is that now you know it isn't you. And you're not alone. A first step (besides the counseling) is to read the articles on this site. Also, the What Helps? message board has a list of books that many people here recommend. Hopefully this will get you started on rebuilding. Take your time. It's your life now.
Peace, Seeker