Author Topic: Alice Miller  (Read 1235 times)


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Alice Miller
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:01:06 AM »
James and Papillion (and others) brought Alice Miller to the board.
 I am so thankful. I have only just begun to mine the wisdom of Alice Miller. It would take a lifetime.
 She says you must feel your rage for your parents, in order to heal.
 I ,NEVER,could feel the rage toward my M b/c I had to take care of her needs and I felt sorry for her.
 However, as I was trying to say on "My Voice" thread is that when we ,on the board  feel  trememndous anger towards  a board member, a voice on the computer, it IS an anger from our past.That  anger is not from the present, a person we don't even KNOW, in the computer.
 I, took that concept and applied MY killer anger toward my M. It WAS my M I was angry at b/c I wanted to smash her leeing face with a rock. I did not want to shoot her , but kill her by banging a rock against her head, wiping that smirk off her mocking face, once and for all. Then, after she died, I wanted to resurrect her, and do it over and over ,again.I felt primal rage.
 Today, after feeling that  anger, I DO feel more whole, more able to defend myself, more empowered, stronger.
 Thank you ,James. You Rock, Kid.      Love   Ami
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 07:17:53 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Alice Miller
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2008, 12:14:57 PM »
She says you must feel your rage for your parents, in order to heal.
 I ,NEVER,could feel the rage toward my M b/c I had to take care of her needs and I felt sorry for her.
 However, as I was trying to say on "My Voice" thread is that when we ,on the board feel  trememndous anger towards  a board member, a voice on the computer, it IS an anger from our past.That  anger is not from the present, a person we don't even KNOW, in the computer.

Dear Ami,

This is good healing stuff here. As I told you before that Alice Miller's work has touched me and helped me much through out the years in my journey to find my authentic voice.

There is a rule in life called the 10/90 percent rule which says that our emotions are usually out of proportion to reality. This has been true for me.

I have come to learn that the more I heal that old anger and the raw pain under it, by just staying with the feelings, the less reactive I become as well as my shaming and critical internalized parent voice quiets the more I work to release my old stuffed pain.

Anger is just a defense to protect ourselves from the hurt and wrong of others.

Sometimes, our anger is justified.

Anger is not bullying...sometimes it is just truth at injustice.
