Considering the theatre your life's playing out in, Hops....
it's almost more a form of passive resistance.....
than self sabotage.
Just participating in a toxic arena of life.....
is harmful.
Who wouldn't/doesn't shrink away from the daily minutia of being involved with toxins?
It's not an uplifting experience to deal with your mother's paperwork,
your brother's problematic legal games.....
your own bills, which weren't any fun on a good day, sans the dysfunctional FOO piled on top.
It's so very difficult to give up what is ours and what we're entitled to.....
whatever that may be.
Having things stolen from you.....
be it good enough mam.....
what you've earned with your own blood, sweat and tears.....
or the best of your heart, always available and extended, time after futile time.....
giving up and walking away, without requiring justice or validation from the offenders....
::shaking head::
just soooo hard.
I think it's more complicated than simple playing out old expectations and self sabotage.
Not sure about that....
but, I'm sure I'd really miss your voice.