Ten years ago, I was teaching music in a private school in my country, in my little town. My school choir, secondary and elementary, wan a state contest. It was a shcool choir contet for the whole state. They started by city areas, then district, we have distric schools there too, then region, then state. My two choirs wan both, the state championship. My choir and the trohpy was in all the news papers in town and in the state.
I was with my son home, alone the two of us, celebrating a huge triunphe.
My mother, despite that hse reads all the news papers, she did not even called me to congratulate me.
After a year of nightmare at a horrible school, I was unemployed for three weeks. I was suffering. After I got the offer, I felt a relieved, I got sleepy, very nice. I felt in peace. I finally had a job.
I wrote my mother, she wrote me back, saying that she was happy that I got a job, that I had to be doing something good or otherwise how come god is blessing me, and how could I be so ungrateful that I did not even say thanks to her for her prayings because with tears in her eyes she prayed for me to get a job. What a way to make me feel bad after so much pain I have endured all my fu****ng life. She also said she is coming for my son's graduation ceremony from univerwsity, and that she expect that I am going to be a good person and not to fight with her and treat her well after all the sacrifices she has made for me.
OK, I say that becuase I come to the board and I see 14 people congratulating me and none of them are asking me to say thanks becuase they prayed for me.
14 people saying nice things not asking me to return the compliment. That is the way that a person should give anything. Not expecting anything in return.
My ex-friend H, she always demanded me to say thanks, just because she wrote me e-mails. Just like my mother. Such and N.
After reading my mom's e-mail, I do not feel as happy as I was. Now I have to put up with her but I have to practice. Detachment, I will enudre and God will help me for accepting my mother and treating her well, no matter what she does, because resentment only hurts the person whi feels it.
I do not have resentment towards her anymore. I feel sorry for her. She lives in the darkness and will be there until the day she dies. I am so sorry for her.
Well, thank you for rejoycing with me. I was saying that when I was in my same city with my whole family i di dnot have anybody to celebrate, now that I am in another country I find more people to celebrate than I did with my own family. What a paradox.
Thank you dear friends God bless you!!!!
About the job, I think I will have more peace. But it is more work, no planning period, nine consecutive hours of work, with only 30 min lunch, it is going to be very hard, but I will not complain. I will bless the place, the people and everyting and be positive and grateful to the hand that feeds me. If on the road I can get something better I will take it. God always has helped me. Still nothing comparable with public school. Public school pay 40k to start, benefits are incredible, retirement plan, union, counceling service!!!!!!!
So, if during the journee God allows me to get a public school, I will take it. So far, there are only five openings, I applied to all of them and nobody has called me. God will help.
Thank you again for being happy with me.