Runs in.... I'm here... Here Present.... Amazon ..... and really feeling Amazon today.....brushes off some Amazonish onto you..... you stand strong....everything, everyway you are handling things your children are learning from you. It was a hellish funeral service today....Completely left my D out and my H was mentioned, like oh yeah and the son, now back to us,me, us...... and I turned and looked at my D and how she handled everything she was strong and to my

a warrior, an amazon, filled with strength and defended our family, her step dad.... and we didn't even have to do it with a confrontation.....Whoo hoo! We just are....We are family and we stick together......and the rest.... well let them be ASSH***S..
But we are no wimps when there will be battle..and there will be....we will fight..!! As a family......
You will to Light...... and yes ... with some guilt that others are involved not just you.... but sometimes... it can't be helped......they know the fight (as mine do) and it is about family, rights, and taking stand...scary as it may be...You must be a warrior now....
And I will be with you, if in mind only...supporting...and freezing up some Reese's peanut butter cups..for comfort...
And prayers for you not for strength because you already have that but for some comfort, rest, and peace...
And ask for some help....that is know when you need it...