Hi, thank you all for your best wishes.
I will pay the penalty. I am ready to move, I am just waiting for the owner to aprove me. He said he was going to run a back ground check. I have never sued a drug in my life, I have never been arrested, I am a good person. So, it will probably come out well. So, I am waiting. As soon as I am aproved I will be running like crazy.
No matter where I work, I will live in that apartment, (I mean, If God allows me), my intentionis to be there, even if I find another job and I have to drive long way, I want to be in that apartment at least ofr a year , to taste how is to live in a millionaire people area, Tom Cruis and Tom Seleck have houses there, and many pther celbrities. Heated pool. I am salivating. Please, Lord, allow me to live this adventure.
Just waiting.
Say a pray for me.