Hi bean,
Have you ever been in the state of Georgia when gnats hatch out by the millions and swarm? I have. They invade your eye, nose, ears, all the exposed parts. There's no getting away from them. You don't just make a decision, I'm going to ignore the gnats today. You can't. They follow you, they have no sense of discretion. A human is to them, as a dog or any other attractive host. They make you their playground where they do 'the gnat thing'. They look for every vulnerable opening to annoy and do whatever it is that gnats do. My point is that unilateral NC works sometimes, but there are times when it doesn't work. If an abuser pursues you with no regard for the steps you've taken in the direction of good sense and goodwill, then, to be civil the next step is to appeal to the next level of authority. In the case of the board, Dr. G. Not trying to start anything here. Just making the point that ones decision to walk away to gain NC does not guarantee NC.
I still stand by the tenet that unless both parties understand the highminded concept that No Means No, then NC has little meaning on the board.