I have identified everything that controls me. I see that I have internalized my father's message that "I get what I deserve." So if what I have is not very much and not very nice - then that is what I deserve. I am powerless and enraged and shamed by being powerless. My powerlessness came by acceding to my parents wishes. The powerlessness is a psychological bind to which only I hold the key
Yesterday I gained the perspective that I believed that my parents had special knowledge about me and about life and I believed that my parents had my best interest at heart. Both of these things were a lie.
I have kept that up as a way to be locked in with her out of that child's need to be connected to mother in order to survive. My psychological relationship with her is servant-master. My psychological trap still holds that I must continue to be servant to her in order to live but that is not true. And I am in the midst of turning from a house slave who gets preferential treatment all the while remaining a slave to someone who breaks free and in doing so must renounce all the benefits of working in the house as opposed to the field. It is hard to give up the benefits in spite of the glaring horrors one must accede to in order to receive them.
The most amazing thing about listening to him was that I had been unaware that she was doing it. It is so "normal" for me that I have become immune to most of it. But the lies make me crazy and yesterday I had this insight as though the clouds had parted: crazy - reasonable; shame - reasonable; out of money - reasonable.
I am giving her my power the same way she gives it to my brother. I am still giving my father some sort of power psychologically.
I am going to work out my financial troubles and psychological binds and free myself from the evil that has bound me for my entire life.
Dear SS,
What incredible insights these are!!!! You are a woman who knows herself. You also know and see the craziness. You see the Ns do their manipulations in real time, you see it happening and you know what it is and you can name it. SS, this is major growth and healing. You've worked so hard to get to this place of clarity and now you SEE it all. Fantastic. These are painful revelations, but there's a happiness in knowing the truth, at least, that's my experience.
You will work out your financial troubles and psychological binds because you are strong & powerful, with a built-in truth seeking radar. SS, you are Exhilarating!
Much love,