My mother is coming this Saturday. She again is doing what I know ashe is going to do. She bought a ticket for a sunday knowing that I work in a church on sundays. Then after several days I relized that the ticket was sunday and told her that she had to change it. Then she said that she would have to give the ticket to somebody else, I said I have to wortk on sundays and she knew it, we have talked about that a million times, about my work in the church, she knew. She said but I snet you the dates and you said OK. I said, you sent amistake to see if I cought it, and if I dont catch it I am screwed and if I do you have to ahcnge it and have to pay for the change, no matter what, she makes it look that I did something wrong. So I wrote her back telling how bad I fetl that she had to pay more moeny for the change but that was the correct thing to do. She did not write me back for three days, until day I have not recieved e mail form here and she usually writes everyday. That is the way she always has punished me, with emotional abandonement, That is why I am so screwed in my heart.
I will do my best to skip next year, I have to start detaching really really detaching from her. She is ad news.