Author Topic: Different Personalities  (Read 1199 times)

Certain Hope

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Different Personalities
« on: July 03, 2008, 11:45:33 AM »
This isn't about disorders or psychological diagnoses, or anyone in particular - living, non-living, or fictional.
It is simply about different personalities which we all encounter in our individual walks... at work, in our families, within ourselves...
never a dull moment.

An office environment is just like any other situation where many people must work together in order to achieve similar goals. There are going to be natural leaders among the group along with natural followers. Some will be extroverted and firm in their convictions while others may be more introverted and easily swayed to the majority opinion on an issue. Every employee, from management to labor, brings with them personality traits that are unique to that individual. Some characteristics are most welcome, such as leadership ability or diplomacy in discussions. Other personality traits, however, can adversely affect the delicate interpersonal dynamics of the office environment. Dealing with these difficult personalities can be a challenge, but here are some ideas on how to identify five common disruptive personality types and how to deal with them on a daily basis.

1. "Chronic Complainer". The 'chronic complainer' is usually the co-worker that has worked for the company a few years longer than he or she might have expected. He or she may have once been a model employee, but a few shot-down ideas or confrontations with the boss later, they prefer to be the voice of doom for the office. If bad news is circulating, the chronic complainer will hear it first and enjoy breaking it to fellow employees. The chief effect of the complainer is a general lowering of morale and a reluctance to initiate constructive dialogue with 'the enemy', the supervisors and higher management.
The best way to handle a chronic complainer is to keep their views in perspective. Their opinions do not have to reflect those of the entire office. Whatever events triggered their obvious dissatisfaction are their own issues, and should not affect your own goals and relationships with key members of management. Forget about trying to change their opinions- concentrate on forming your own. Complainers are sometimes completely justified in their complaints, but still allow room for more objective facts concerning the issue involved.

2. "Office Gossip". This personality type lives for the controversies and disagreements that may arise in such close quarters. Although rarely a part of the official loop, the office gossip will routinely position themselves to 'accidentally' overhear privileged communications or intercept confidential memos and phone calls. The chief effect of the office gossip is misinformation and the loss of trust among peers. Some co-workers may establish a covert relationship with the office gossip, hoping to obtain information that will be useful to them. This is usually an unhealthy alliance, and one you should avoid at all costs. Deal with the office gossip by not dealing with them. Once you have identified a gossip, make an effort to avoid discussing anything remotely confidential near them. If they approach you with a new rumor, politely but firmly inform them that you are not interested in what they have to offer. Gossips tend to seek out only those who are eager to hear the latest.

3."Information Miser". If you work in an business environment that uses a system of 'nodes' as their model, you may encounter the 'information miser'. The nodes model relies on each element of the company working as a separate but equal 'node' or point on a grid structure. Accountants answer to an accounting manager, who compiles the information and waits until another node, e.g. marketing, makes a formal request for that information. Most of the time, this arrangement works well. Decisions in any one node do not have to be approved by an executive who may not be strong in that area. But on the human level, certain node managers realize that their information is vital, which gives them considerable leverage when bargaining for their own agendas. They will hold onto their information until they are satisfied that their own needs have been met. Dealing with the 'information miser' may be very difficult, because in a sense they do hold most of the cards. You need to keep a human face on your dealings with such people. As long as you represent 'Marketing', they can hold out as long as they need to. If you come across as "Bob, the nice guy who works in marketing", then they are more likely to give you what you need. Acknowledge their power, but appeal to their human side.

4. "Know-it-alls". Perhaps the worst scenario possible in the workplace can be the inevitable calling of the expert. You've done everything you know how to do to fix the situation, but now you must call in the reinforcements. Introducing... the know-it-all. The know-it-all may be a skilled repairman or a knowledgeable consultant, but an absolute disaster as a co-worker. The chief effect of a know-it-all is a definite reluctance to call for such help ever again. Situations that could actually benefit from their expertise may go unaddressed for months, simply because no one wants to deal with the know-it-all. This is a difficult challenge if you want to maintain a good working relationship with this obviously talented and useful co-worker. Keep in mind that you won't change their arrogance and overbearing ways overnight, if ever. Try to encourage some interaction away from the office environment- an invitation to the after-work wind-down or an informal party. Know-it-alls sometimes use their intelligence as a defense against personal intimacy with their fellow workers. They may not even realize that their sharp remarks and quick dismissals sound as harsh as they do. You may privately suggest to such a difficult co-worker that they use more discretion when dealing with their co-workers.

5. "Mood-swingers". These are the people whose daily temperatures must be taken before entering into any conversation. They may be perfectly pleasant one day, then completely irrational the next. If they are in a supervisory position, their subordinates usually walk on eggshells in their presence. They are the mood swingers, a tribe unto themselves. Their most common effect on the office environment is an atmosphere of uncertainty and dread. Maybe they will be receptive to your idea, maybe they will laugh you out of their office. You just can't tell. The best way to deal with a mood swinger is to strike while the iron is hot. Get as much work done with them on their good days, so the bad days won't affect your own agenda nearly as much. You don't really want to know all the reasons behind their moodiness and emotional outbursts, so don't bother trying. Their bad days may seem to coincide with the days you need their input the most, so you may want to change your priorities. Save the bad news for their good days, when they are more likely to deal with it rationally. But by the same token, don't confuse bad moods with an inability to function as your supervisor or co-worker. Sure, they are in a terrible frame of mind, but they did show up for work and they can still sign off on that project you've been working on. Their outbursts are rarely personal, even though they may seem that way while they are happening. As long as you can distance yourself from the brunt of their self-inflicted fury, you can survive the mood swinger fairly unscathed.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 11:54:21 AM by Certain Hope »


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Re: Different Personalities
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 03:51:07 PM »

Ahhhhh Carolyn,

The mood swinger.    The one of all you mention that is hardest for me to 'adapt' to or ignore or communicate with.    Life seems to be filled with opportunities to cut the other person slack.  And it's hard to find a balance where you don't feel taken advantage of while at the same time acknowledging their need for understanding and vice versa.


Certain Hope

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Re: Different Personalities
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 09:48:36 PM »

umm... I am a mood swinger... but usually I get really quiet when it swings to the dark side, so... no suit of armor required at such times. Usually.
Back when perfectionism ruled... it was a sllightly different story... lol. Still, I was usually quiet... but far from calm!
Oh, I do not miss the bad old days.  :shock:

The Chronic Complainer is my pick for top level of difficulty.
There's enough people-pleaser left in me that one of these can drive me to distraction, before I even recognize what's happened,.
Beyond that... well, it's just a morale sapper to have this person around.
Never enough... and never right.
So I really appreciated this line in the article:
 Forget about trying to change their opinions- concentrate on forming your own.



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Re: Different Personalities
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 01:02:45 AM »
That was an interesting read, Carolyn.




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Re: Different Personalities
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2008, 09:56:08 AM »
Translate that to families-my h is a constant complainer

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"